
Genius Typing is Back We’re Back With The First Team in 41 Days

Kang Baek-ho, who had more than a month of adjustment time in the second division with rehabilitation group while his mind and body were exhausted, was registered in the first division entry ahead of the match against LG on the 5th. 스포츠토토

Kang Baek-ho will sit on the bench for the game against LG. Kang Baek-ho is batting .261 53 hits in 203 at-bats with six home runs and 32 RBIs OPS.744 in 57 games in the first division this season. KT’s starting lineup will be Cho Yong-ho, Hwang Jae-kyun, Alford, Park Byung-ho, Jang Sung-woo, Oh Yoon-seok, Lee Ho-yeon, Bae Jung-dae, and Jang Jun-won.

He went down to the second division twice this season. On June 9, he was eliminated from the first-tier entry due to a cold and poor condition. After about a month in the second division, he joined the first division on July 11. However, he went back to the second division at the end of July. Since his return, he has not been able to escape his slump with a batting average of 136, 3 hits in 22 at-bats, 1 home run and 3 RBIs in 8 games.

He was psychologically influenced by the head play he saw in the World Baseball Classic national team and the complacent relay play during the right fielder defense against LG in mid-May. When he went down to the second division, coach Lee Kang-chul said, I think Baekho needs more time. I will start training after establishing my mental state, he said.

After finding psychological stability in the rehabilitation group, he slowly prepared for a second-tier game. Kang Baek-ho played as a designated hitter in a game against Futures League Managing Director on the 1st. He struck out two, but hit a double. In the match against Sangmu on the 2nd, he recorded 1 hit, 1 walk, and 1 RBI in 2 at-bats, and in the match against Sangmu on the 3rd, he recorded 1 walk in 2 at-bats. In three Futures League games, he recorded two hits a batting average of 25% in eight at-bats, one RBI, two walks, and two strikeouts.

Meanwhile, KT will start the game against the LG Twins on the 5th and wear the uniform of King Jeongjo in the home game at Wiz Park for a month in September. King Jeongjo’s uniform, which marks its seventh year this year, was launched in October to pray for the successful hosting of the 60th Suwon Hwaseong Cultural Festival at Hwaseong Haenggung in Suwon.

In addition, KT prepared a variety of pitching events for LG’s three consecutive games from the 5th to the 7th. On the 5th, when Mona Yongpyeong Day will be held, Mona Yongpyeong President Shin Dal-soon and CEO Lim Hak-woon will be in charge of pitching and hitting, respectively. Actor Ahn Hee-yeon will throw the first pitch on the 6th. On Suwon Women’s University Brand Day on the 7th, Suwon Women’s University President Jang Ki-won and Suwon Women’s University mascot Suni will be the first and first hitters.

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