
The Competition For Employment Has Been Withdrawn Due To Age

Bayern Munich won 4-3 after exchanging seven goals with Liverpool in a pre-season game in Singapore on the 2nd. 스포츠토토 Kim Min-jae started the game and led Bayern Munich’s defense during the first half.

Bayern Munich lost two goals in the 21st minute of the first half against Liverpool, but Kim Min-jae also assisted Nabri’s comeback goal in the 33rd minute of the first half to set the stage for a come-from-behind victory. Kim Min-jae’s lobbing pass from the Bayern Munich camp to the back of the defense between Liverpool defenders Matip and Arnold connected to the left side of the penalty area, and Navri, who took over, shook the net with a right-footed shot.

Liverpool manager Klopp mentioned Bayern Munich’s scoring scene, which Kim Min-jae assisted through a German media kicker after the match against Bayern Munich. We had to respond better, Klopp said. To be honest, Kim Min-jae’s pass was an unstoppable pass. You can’t always block all the balls, he said. Also, The players felt the intensity of the game when they lost points. It took concentration. There is no rest during the soccer game. Sometimes the ball leads to a deadly place, he stressed.

Liverpool defender van Dijk said We want to play at the top level so we have to compete against this level of players and teams. Unfortunately, we didn’t concentrate enough for a while and paid the price. We need to find a way to concentrate more for 90 minutes, he said.

Kim Min-jae, who won the Serie A Best Defender Award last season and played one of Napoli’s first Serie A championships in 33 years, drew attention in the transfer market this summer. Kim Min-jae was rumored to have moved to various clubs, including Manchester United, but Bayern Munich won the competition to recruit Kim Min-jae.

British Football 365 has been rumored to recruit Liverpool since Kim Min-jae performed well in Naples on the 4th. Kim Min-jae’s buyout clause drew attention, he said, Liverpool is a club that prefers young players. They prefer players in their early 20s who have not fully demonstrated their potential but have not reached their peak. Kim Min-jae is the best player, so it is worth making an exception, but Liverpool is strict about the age of the player considering recruiting, he said, explaining why he was not active in Liverpool’s competition to recruit Kim Min-jae.

Kim Min-jae started in succession against Kawasaki Frontale and Liverpool and played in two Asian tour matches for Bayern Munich.

German media Sports Buzzer said on the 4th, Kim Min-jae quickly adapted among his new colleagues regarding Kim Min-jae Kim’s performance on the Asia tour. Kim Min-jae proved to be a player who will strengthen Bayern Munich’s defense with two appearances. Kim Min-jae mentioned that he is a player with fast and strong tackle skills and good location.

German media Noinzig Plus said, Kim Min-jae showed why he signed a contract with Bayern Munich. He won many ball matches and only a few players were able to pass Kim Min-jae in a one-on-one match. Kim Min-jae proved that he combined vision and technology during the build-up process. The assist against Liverpool proves that.

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