
Cambi Agrees To Supply Delago Resort & Casino

Kambi Group has signed another important deal to supply its technology in New York State as the deal with a casino in Waterloo is revealed. 카지노사이트 The leading provider of sports betting technology will now integrate innovative on-property sportsbook solutions into Delago Resort & Casino to enhance the sports betting experience for many customers.

Delago Resort & Casino, located at 1133 NY-414 in Waterloo, New York, is owned and supervised by Churchill Downs. The state-of-the-art game floor has 66 table games, including over 1,700 slots and 14 poker tables. The facility also offers retail sports betting through a brand new DraftKings Sportsbook that boasts 23 betting kiosks,

Waterloo Casino Resort will integrate Kambi’s sports betting technology, products and services as part of an agreement between the two parties. Lance Young, the casino’s general manager, said the facility is excited to work with leading providers, leverage world-class technology, and provide a better overall experience for customers.

Mr Lance went on to say that the introduction of Kambi brands and products to the casino’s retail sportsbooks and game floors would create a much more attractive atmosphere of viewing and betting on game days. The provider’s sports betting solution will further strengthen the northern casino’s extensive gaming floor, featuring LED video screens over 1,000 square feet.

Meanwhile, the supplier’s CEO and co-founder Kristian Nyleann said the company wants to work with commercial casinos to make them its latest real estate-related partner in New York. He added that Empire State gamblers are known for being enthusiastic sports betting fans, and that the company is now committed to bringing world-class products to leading casinos.

As a major supplier of sports betting technology, Camby also operates in several North American markets, including the Canadian market. Back in September 2022, the company agreed to a deal with Mohigan Gaming & Entertainment. Through this partnership, the vendor launched best-in-class sports betting platforms for MGE’s Falls View Casino Resort and Casino Niagara in Niagara Falls, Ontario.

The two casinos are one of Ontario’s leading gaming facilities and they have integrated Cambi’s high-performance sports betting technology and services. This makes it a much more interesting hotspot for sports fans and bettors in Canada’s most populous state. Under the agreement, more than 36 kiosks will be introduced at the game operator’s two Niagara Falls properties.

Then, in October 2022, the supplier signed a deal with Great Canadian Entertainment to allow the company to roll out its sportsbook technology on the operator’s property in Ontario. Through the agreement, the supplier supplied technology to 10 of CGE’s land-based casinos in the provinces.

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