
Good-Looking Arizona, Toronto Have a Stomach pains

The Arizona Diamondbacks, who advanced to the Championship Series for the first time since 2007, and the Toronto Blue Jays are not comfortable looking at it. 스포츠토토

Arizona won 4-2 in Game 3 of the Division Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers at Chase Field in Phoenix, Arizona, on the 12th and advanced to the Championship Series with three wins in all series.

Arizona, which joined the postseason as the sixth seed, made a splash by beating the Milwaukee Brewers in two games in the wild card series and sweeping the Dodgers.

Several players are playing evenly, but there is definitely a notable player among them. It’s catcher Gabriel Moreno. He had four hits in 16 at-bats this postseason, and three of them crossed the fence.

In Game 3 of the Division Series, when the pushed ball narrowly escaped the right foul pole, it hit the next ball and crossed the left-center fence.

Since joining the team this season, he has been Arizona’s main catcher. In 111 games, he had a batting average of 0.284, on-base percentage of 0.339 and slugging percentage of 0.408. He also excelled in defense. In particular, the rate of blocking stolen bases ranked first in the league with a whopping 39%.

There is another reason why Toronto feels uncomfortable watching his performance. Because he was originally a Toronto player. Toronto has been receiving outfielder Dalton Basho in December last year on the condition that Moreno and outfielder Luerdes Gurriel Jr. were lost to Arizona.

It was a clear trade for both teams. Toronto made their big league debut in 2022, but hired Basho to reinforce their outfield defense in exchange for Moreno, who was blocked by Danny Jansen and Alejandro Kirk and wasn’t getting many chances. He gave up Gurriel Jr., who was disappointed in defense, to set up a place for Basho. At the end of the season, Toronto seems to have lost a lot when looking at the profit and loss calculations of both teams.

Moreno is also Moreno, but Gurriel’s growth was also outstanding. He had a batting average of 0.261 on-base percentage of 0.309 slugging percentage of 0.463 24 home runs and 82 RBIs. The batting average on-base percentage was lower than before, but the number of home runs increased to a career high and even an All-Star was selected.

Above all, he became a completely different player in the outfield. Recorded DRS Defensive Runs Saved +14. He was only +4 in the previous four seasons. Becoming a completely different player in the new team.

What was Basho like? As far as defense is concerned, his recruitment was a success. He showed a gold-glove defense by scoring +11 in left field and +18 in center field.

However, he only had a batting average of 0.220 on-base percentage of 0.285 and a slugging percentage of 0.389 at the plate. Of course, he recorded 61 RBIs with 20 home runs, showing good productivity in the bottom lineup.

The trade remains a bigger disappointment because Kirk, who chose to send Moreno, was sluggish. He won the 2022 All-Star and Silver Slugger at the same time, and only had a batting average of 0.250 on-base percentage of 0.334 slugging percentage of 0.358 eight home runs and 43 RBIs in 123 games this season. At least, this performance was also recorded in the second half of the year. In the first half of the year, he had a batting average of 0.234 with an on-base percentage of 0.317 with a slugging percentage of 0.304.

First of all, the results of one season were disappointing. Nobody knows what will happen in the future. I think it was still a good trade, said Mark Shapiro, president of the Blue Jays, stressing the need to take a little more time to watch.

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