
If you do what Ahn Se-young does, you can be like her

Badminton player Ahn Se-young, 21, has been one of the most inspiring and surprising athletes at the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Ahn won the gold medal in the women’s singles final while wearing a bandage on her knee. She was the undisputed world No. 1 in both performance and results.

Ahn possesses all three elements to succeed as an athlete: training, management, and challenge.

Her training volume and intensity are among the highest in the country, and perhaps the world.

She never stops training, even at night.

Sand court training is her favorite.

Even on his days off, he says, “I feel more relaxed when I train.”

Kim Hak-gyun, the head coach of the South Korean national badminton team, says, “He’s an addict.

There’s no point in telling her to take a break.”

You don’t become world number one by yourself. You need scientific training, thorough analysis, and a full-time treatment system.

Ahn has two dedicated coaches with whom she can train whenever she wants.

The medical system is also one of the best in the world, with frequent and effective treatment and care.

Ahn competes in more than 20 international competitions a year. It’s an endless cycle of training, competition, and rest throughout the year. It takes a lot of energy just to compete.

If she didn’t compete, she might want to take a break.

“Ahn Se-young is a true athlete,” says Kang Ho-seok, head coach of the Korean National Squash Team, “who says, ‘Even if there are too many competitions and you don’t have enough time, you have to make sure you train. 바카라사이트

Nowadays, athletes in almost all sports are reluctant to train hard.

Many national athletes are content to play for the national team and domestic leagues.

The only way to become an international star is to play against players who are stronger than you and experience defeat.

Playing internationally often is the only way to develop the desire to play internationally, or to stay domestic and give up on the national team.

The Taeguk mark is not about form, experience, or enjoyment.

Ahn doesn’t know satisfaction or giving up. When she loses, she tries to win.

If she gets into the world’s top 10, she plays for third place, if she gets third place, she plays for second place, and if she gets second place, she plays for first place. Coach Kim Hak-gyun said, “Now that I’m No. 1, my new goal is to stay there for a long time. Ahn is not complacent,” Kim said.

Most Korean athletes have become sheep in the fence.

They just look at the world outside the fence and don’t want to go out.

They are satisfied with the fullness, comfort, and ease they feel inside the fence.

They can never become international players. Park Ji-sung, Son Heung-min, Park Chan-ho, Lee Seung-yup, Kim Yeon-kyung, and Park Se-ri all became the best in the world because they went outside the fence.

Here’s what Ahn recently posted on social media.

“I’m not a celebrity because of a medal, I’m an athlete like so many others who are just trying to get through the day and keep going towards their goals.

There have been so many TV appearances, interviews, commercials, etc., but the Ahn Se-young you know is just an ordinary athlete yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

Please be patient with me so that I can get stronger and show you something good on the court. I have a goal to reach in the future, so I’m going to take it one step at a time.

I ask for your support so that the Ahn Se-young era can come when I can walk firmly towards another goal and fulfill my dreams.”

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