
Rush Street Gaming Applies for Downstate Casino Permission

The state of New York recently witnessed another gaming brand expressing interest in acquiring one of three Downstate Casino licenses. 파친코 The latest is Rush Street Gaming, which already operates Rivers Casino & Resort Shenectady in Upstate New York. Now, the company’s wish is to get one of its licenses and start a casino near New York City.

Back in 2013, Empire State residents voted for permits for a total of seven commercial casinos, four northern state casinos and three southern state casinos. To give up a proactive start to establish on the market, the state decided that the state’s southern casinos would be issued in at least seven years.

The seven-year wait is coming to an end in early 2023, and now the New York State Gaming Commission has launched a request for information on potential candidates for one of the three casino licenses. As already mentioned, Rush Street Gaming, an Illinois company that already operates real estate in upstate New York, is paying attention.

The company is quite optimistic about the possibility of three casinos in southern New York. Neil Bloom and Greg Carlin, the chairman and CEO of the gaming company, have each mentioned that they support plans to issue upstate New York casino licenses, and according to them, the company could follow the success and model of Rivers Casino & Resort Shenectady if it wins those licenses.

In addition, the company stated in its submission that it is ready and ready to provide the same collaborative approach to the development of downstate gaming facilities that were used in the northern region facilities. This will transform the company into a thriving economic power and a thriving riverside destination.

Procters CEO Philip Morris, speaking on behalf of the Upstate Theatre Coalition for Fair Game, also submitted some comments. The union was created to protect performing arts venues from strong or unfair competition with casinos. Mr Morris said he urged the Commission to continue to call for consideration of local cultural influences while awarding the licence.

However, competition has been fierce over three possible downstate licenses, with former casino analyst and current money manager Jason Ader recently submitting plans for a futuristic casino in New York City. The expert’s $3 billion project is quite innovative and will include the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange and a landing for flying cars, an eSports Arena and an event center.

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