
Son Heung-min is Not 100%, But The Great Captain’s Effort Postecoglou Praised Son’s Dedication

Tottenham, which played the seventh round of the 2023-2024 English Premier League at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London, England, on the 1st, won 2-1 against Liverpool. 스포츠토토 Tottenham went up to second place in the league 17 points with seven games undefeated five wins and two draws.

It was a difficult game. Tottenham couldn’t easily seal the victory despite their numerical advantage. In the 26th minute of the first half, Curtis Jones was given a direct red card for attempting a dangerous tackle on Eve Bissouma, and in the 24th minute of the second half, Diogo Jota was sent off in accumulated warnings for a cumulative warning. Tottenham spent about 20 minutes in the second half fighting 11-9, but failed to effectively target Liverpool’s deep-down defense.

Still, he succeeded in digging through the end. In the first half, Son Heung-min and Cody Hakpo exchanged one goal each, continuing to the end of the game. Then, in the second half of the extra time, Pedro Porro’s low and fast cross hit Joel Martif’s leg and was sucked into the goal, and the game was decided.

On this day, Son Heung-min played well in both offense and defense. Offensively, he scored the first goal in the 36th minute of the first half, received a ball with his chest in the penalty box in the 6th minute of the second half and hit a threatening volley, building a great stat with three effective shots. Defensively, as a rider of forward pressure, he bullied opposing goalkeepers and center backs, causing pass misses.

He wasn’t even in good shape. Son Heung-min failed to train enough after the last game due to suspected injuries, and in this game, he left the stadium the fastest as he was replaced in the 23rd minute of the second half. Even though his condition is not perfect, he made a decisive contribution to the team’s victory.

Postecoglou also praised this point. Son Heung-min was desperate to play even though he wasn’t 100 percent, he said at a press conference after the match. Son Heung-min led the front and became a defensive pressure leader. It is the effort of a great captain, he praised.

He also showed confidence in continuing his unbeaten run. It was another turbulent result, Postecoglou said. Theater goals create a spirit for the team that we can continue to play until the last minute. I don’t know how far we can go, but I’ll keep pushing ahead, he said.

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