
Casino Regina Receives Access Complaints

Casino Regina’s entertainment center is home to numerous live shows by various performers. 온라인카지노 However, some of the clients of the property with accessibility issues recently say that casinos don’t always feel welcome. This is because the nearest street door to the entertainment venue is closed and there are no plans to reopen.

The gaming facility is located on Saskwan Drive in Regina, Saskatchewan, owned and operated by Sask. Games. It boasts a game room with more than 800 slot machines, 35 table games, and 8 table poker rooms. Meanwhile, the 800-seat show lounge welcomes countless celebrities across the country and offers an unforgettable experience for casino customers.

Talking about the topic, Andre Nogue of Age Friendly Saskatchewan said his wife used a walker, and the closure of street entrances forced her to walk through the main entrance and walk through every property to reach the show lounge. In his words, it was quite difficult for his partner, and it will be a long time before they return to the entertainment venue.

The casino has put up a sign saying that the Show Lounge exit door, located at the western end of the Casino Regina, is currently closed to guests and will not reopen in the near future. However, there is no sign of redevelopment inside the entrance, and it is designated as an emergency exit. This casino also offers wheelchair services, but some seniors don’t like it.

One of the property’s customers, Glenn Stryker, was one of the people who criticized the wheelchair service. Mr. Stryker expressed doubts about whether the casino had enough wheelchairs to help everyone who needed them. He is adamant that he will not be in a wheelchair, and has vowed not to return to Regina’s main hotspot for gambling.

Currently, opponents of the NDP are investigating accessibility issues at provincial casinos. The leader of the NDP’s Carla Beck notes that it is important to have accessibility in public buildings, and she says the NDP has asked its critic Meara Conway to investigate why gaming facilities require people to walk long distances to show lounges and issues.

In the summer, Sask. Gaming released its financial report for the financial year 2021-2022. Alongside the report, Crown Corporation said it spent time carrying out some renovations to Casino Regina and Moose Jaw during the shutdown. At that time, they were about 80% to 85% complete. The agency said it will focus on the show lounge during the first month of 2023.

A few years ago, Casino Regina had to deal with a casino worker who was fired for racist comments about his colleagues in 2018. The former employee who worked at the casino for more than a decade filed an appeal, but he was not reinstated. Arlene Ponak, the arbitrator of the appeal, ruled that the dismissal was justified and his complaint was denied, given the man’s past.

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