
Fortune teller picks this team…but not Otani, LAD-TEX-SF-BOS-SD

A psychic’s prediction that free agent Shohei Ohtani will end up with the Los Angeles Angels is drawing attention. AP
Los Angeles Angels’ Shohei Ohtani poses with manager Phil Nevin and general manager Perry Minasian during the team MVP awards ceremony before a game against the Oakland Athletics on Oct. 1.

Local media outlets have been churning out speculation on the destination of free agent Shohei Ohtani, who is seeking the biggest contract in Major League Baseball history.
New York Post columnist John Heyman named the Los Angeles Dodgers, San Francisco Giants and Chicago Cubs as the “Big Three” in an article titled “Shohei Ohtani Bid Makes Yoshinobu Yamamoto a Wild Card for Most Teams” on Nov. 24 (ET).

“I’ve heard Ohtani likes Southern California,” Heyman said, “and the Cubs are a threat.
Around this time, MLB.com published an interesting story on May 25. They asked a psychic to predict which team Ohtani would sign with.
The reporter, Matt Monaghan, titled the article “Where will Ohtani sign?

I asked a psychic a while ago,” the reporter wrote in an article titled “Where will Ohtani sign?”.
The psychic is a life coach and professional future predictor named Shara Ogin.

In other words, a “fortune teller.
He correctly predicted that Ohtani would sign with the Los Angeles Angels when he first traveled to the United States in December 2017.

Ohtani had a shortlist of seven teams at the time, and while it’s unclear whether O’Ginn picked those teams or randomly selected them from a list of 30 without any prior information, it created a huge buzz.
“I wanted to ask her again,” Monaghan said, “and she told me that she didn’t pay attention to baseball at the time, but she was excited about her predictions.”

“Thirty teams is too many, so I gave her eight teams that I thought were the frontrunners: Angels, Dodgers, Padres, Mets, Mariners, Red Sox, Rangers, Giants,” he said.
He gave Ogin a day to think about it, reading an article or two and watching a video about Ohtani’s free agency journey.
“Let me see if I have a ring to each team,” O’Ginn told Monaghan, “Dodgers, Padres, Red Sox, Rangers, none of them.

I saw an article yesterday that said Ohtani could go to the Giants, but I don’t feel anything in my body.

I don’t know what these teams are,” he said.
That means neither the Dodgers nor the Giants, who are often mentioned as the most likely candidates.
She went on to name the New York Mets and Seattle Mariners as two teams that could land Ohtani.

Of the Mets, O’Ginn said, “That team is coming up.

I definitely see a strong possibility for them, and I think that big city is headed to New York,” Ogin explained.
On Seattle, he said, “I think they’re a possibility, but I’m not sure why.

I saw the ring, and I got a yes.

Maybe it’s about money, maybe he’s comfortable there.

People are comfortable with their current home and the environment they live in, and they will find a safe place wherever they are. 카지노

So maybe it’s a team that works.”
Surprisingly, however, there was another team that she felt the most positive energy from. The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.
“The goal of the Otani spirit is to teach others that they can do anything to inspire and empower people to stand up,” Ogin says.

At the root of this characteristic is an inner sense of duty, such as honor, responsibility, and service.

So I see Otani as a caring, curious, and insightful person with strong ties to home and nurture.

On the outside, he seems to be wrapped in a strong veneer that makes it hard to see through, but underneath is a quiet, sweet, and sensitive personality.”

“Family values play a really strong role in why I leaned towards Angels. It could be your family, it could be your ancestors genetically.

It’s the country you’re committed to, which is Japan.

Similarly, I think there’s a sense of family in the Angels,” Otani said.
Ohtani played six seasons with the Angels, and it’s no secret that he’s happy with everything about the organization, except for not making the postseason.
Ogin also brought up the issue of money.

“I don’t think he’s going to choose a team because of money. I can see a few things.

Who will offer him the most money?

He’s not the type of person to make decisions based on money.

What’s important to him is honor, a sense of duty, prestige.

Leaving a legacy, and not just for himself. It’s really a legacy for his family, his team, the people he wants to raise.

It’s basically for his country and the world,” he emphasized.
When Ohtani signed with the Angels in 2017, he also said that money was not an issue for him.

“The timing of my entry into the major leagues was not about money, it was about having a career that would get me into the Hall of Fame as soon as possible,” he said.

He also said, “I want to win with the Angels and win championships.”

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