
Gateway Casino Makes Generous Donations to Hospitals

Once again, Gateway Casino & Entertainment has demonstrated its social responsibility to the communities it operates. 파친코 On Friday, December 9, 2022, the game operator announced it would donate C$30,000 to Victoria Hospital in London, Ontario. The money will be used for creative art-based treatments at the hospital’s CAMHCP.

Gateway Casino & Entertainment is one of the largest land casino operators in Canada and manages a total of 23 properties across British Columbia, Ontario, and Alberta. This year, the company celebrates 30 years of premium operations and can once again provide important help to healthcare and communities through its Gateway Gives program.

The donation will help expand creative art-based remedies in children’s and adolescent mental health care programs. Art-based therapy is used to treat children and adolescents’ mental health, and it takes advantage of new ways to deal with and cope with difficult situations and emotions. In addition, the treatment modification helps teenagers suffering from eating disorders, self-harm behavior, and complex anxiety.

Pediatric and Adolescent Mental Health Jessica Blake, a clinical manager for hospitalized patients, said music and art therapy are necessary tools for mental health. In other words, the program provides a safe treatment environment for patients to express themselves and experience a wider range of emotions, helping them understand how they should deal with their mental health.

The head of communications and public relations at casino operator Rob Mitchell shared that the company’s intentions are to help the growing need for mental health services and to do so on the operator’s 30th anniversary is logical. He also noted that the unprecedented situation in 2020 also damaged young people and children in the region.

In addition, Nevada Burwell, who works as a youth resource facilitator with B8 at Victoria Hospital, also commented on the donation. She specifically explained that B8’s children love art and music. According to her opinion, the children live for art and music therapy at the same time as their talents, so it means a lot more to them.

Meanwhile, this year, Gateway Casino & Entertainment has been trying to expand casinos in the country. In September, the company launched a new Cascade Casino Delta in BC. The project cost approximately C$99 million, and its architectural design was done by the IBI Group. It is located at 6005 BC-17A, next to the intersection of Highway 99 and Highway 17A.

But that’s not all. A month later, in November, the gaming giant held a grand opening ceremony at Playtime Casino Wasaga Beach in Ontario. Similar to the company’s other facilities, the new 25,000-square-foot gaming facility offers more than 250 slot machines, live table games, restaurants, and bars.

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