
Kelly signs $1.5M deal with LG…longest tenured foreign pitcher in franchise history

Casey Kelly has agreed to stay with the Elgee (LG) Twins for another year.
The LG Twins announced on Wednesday that they have signed Kelly to a contract for the 2024 season for a total of $1.5 million (approximately KRW 1.945 billion), including a $400,000 signing bonus, $800,000 in salary, and $300,000 in incentives.
With the signing, Kelly will become the club’s longest-serving foreign pitcher, having spent six seasons with the organization.
Lee joined the Elsie in 2019 and has appeared in 144 games over five seasons, posting a 68-38 record with a 3.08 ERA and 684 strikeouts.
This season, he has pitched in 30 games and 178⅔ innings, going 10-7 with a 3.83 ERA and 129 strikeouts.

Kelly pitched 6 1/3 innings of two-run ball in Game 1 of the Korean Series, striking out six, and then pitched 5 1/3 innings of one-run ball in Game 5 to help Elsie win the series. 카지노
“With 68 career wins, Casey Kelly is a proven athlete,” said Elgee. “
He found his groove in the second half of last season, and we’re excited for his 24th season.
I’m looking forward to rewarding our fans with a steady stream of wins,” said Elgin.
“I’m looking forward to playing in front of our fans next season,” said Kelly. “

I’m looking forward to working with my teammates to win the overall title next season.

I love the LG Twins fans.”

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