
Lim, Tais combine for 43 points…KEPCO wins third straight over Hyundai Capital

KEPCO extended its winning streak to three games with a victory over Hyundai Capital, led by ‘young ace’ Lim Sung-jin.

KEPCO defeated Hyundai Capital in straight sets 3-1 (22-25 25-22 25-21 25-21) in the men’s home match of the Professional Volleyball Dodram 2023-2024 V League at Suwon Gymnasium on Nov. 21.

With its first three-game winning streak of the season, fifth-ranked KEPCO improved to 12 points (4-6) and closed the gap on fourth-ranked OK Financial Group (15-6), which has played one game less.

Hyundai Capital has lost three straight games.

The star of the victory was undoubtedly Im Seong-jin.

On the day, Lim scored 22 points (previously 15), his highest single-game total of the season, with a 70% attack success rate. She fell one point short of her all-time single-game record of 23 points.

Tyson Dulhorst (real name Tys) finished with 21 points (48.57% attack success rate) to tie with Lim.

After dropping the first set, KEPCO turned the tide in the second.

At 21-21, Seo took a step forward with an open attack, and when Im Sung-jin’s strong serve hit the hands of Hyundai Capital’s Jeon Kwang-in and went over the net, Seo scored a direct kill to make it 23-21.

Hankook then took a 24-21 lead when Hyundai Capital’s main man Ahmed Iqbairi (real name Ahmed) made a net touch error while attempting a quick opener.

Iqbairi also dropped his serve at 22-24.

The third set was decided midway through.

KEPCO added a point at 13-12 with a quick opener from Seo Jae-duk.

Ahmed’s follow-up attack went off the line without reaching the blocker.

Hyundai Capital got one point back with a quick opener from Heo Su-bong, but KEPCO extended the lead to 17-13 with a quick opener from Tice and an over-the-net error from opposing setter Lee Hyun-seung.

KEPCO then utilized the firepower of Lim Sung-jin to close out the third set.

KEPCO took control of the match in the fourth set and secured the three points.

At 17-15, Shin Young-seok scored a kill, and in the ensuing rally, Tais scored a kill on a follow-up attack to take a 19-15 lead.

At 19-16, Im Sung-jin’s quick opener gave KEPCO the first 20-point lead, and soon after, Taith blocked Ahmed’s follow-up attack to completely dampen Hyundai Capital’s spirits. 토토

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