
Lotte and Gaming Saskatchewan Elect President And CEO

The recently established Lotteries and Gaming Saskatchewan has announced the appointment of a president and CEO to oversee all lottery and games in the region. On Friday, the board reported that after a comprehensive investigation, Susan Flett had decided she would be the one to lead regulators forward. She will take up the position in September 2023. 파친코

Launched in June 2023, LGS is a new commercial crown corporation created to oversee all the state’s lottery and games. With oversight of commercial games, regulators will ensure that lottery tickets, casinos, VLTs and online games are operated and provided in a socially responsible manner for the people of Saskatchewan.

In an announcement Friday, the LGS board announced that Mr. Flett would now lead regulators as president and CEO. Mr. Flett came to the company with more than 20 years of experience in the gambling industry after eight years as president and CEO of Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation, which is now wholly owned by the new regulator.

Laura Ross, the chairman and minister of the board responsible for LGS, welcomed and congratulated Mr. Flett’s appointment. Mr Ross explained that the new chairman and CEO was responsible for the launch of the province’s first online regulatory platform for iGaming, along with Sask Gaming’s efforts to modernise gaming technology, attributes and products, and PlayNow.com .

Mr Ross is adamant that Flett’s proven record of leadership, expertise and experience in the gambling industry will prove beneficial as the province takes an industry-wide approach to all forms of gaming to deliver more revenue to the community. It is reported that Mr Flett will take up the post from September 1, 2023.

During his 20 years at Sask Gaming, Mr. Flett has worked in numerous positions, including president and CEO, chief marketing officer, vice president, and director of corporate relations, communications, and marketing. Before working at a gambling company, she held positions at the Saskatchewan Transportation Company, Crown Investments Corporation, and Crown Life Canada.

The new president and CEO of LGS also holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Regina University, a certificate in human resource planning from Queen’s University, a charter board member at Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan, and a board member of the Saskatchewan Roughriders Football Club.

In July 2023, the Saskatchewan Indian Games Authority released its annual 2022-2023 fiscal report. SIGA’s report revealed gross revenue of 292.6 million, a significant improvement from CA$195.8 million in 2021-2022. Meanwhile, in the previous fiscal year, costs ranged from C$166.6 million to C$127.6 million. Net income reached C$126 million in 2022-2023, nearly doubling last year’s CA$68.2 million.

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