
Lotto Max 70 Million Canadian Dollars Won’t Be Charged Again

Local lotteries in Canada confirmed last Friday’s Lotto Max winnings passed another round. 카지노사이트 The huge prize money was once again C$70 million, but none of the ticket holders matched the winning numbers drawn on Friday, October 14, 2022. But even if the win didn’t happen, lottery sellers still claimed some huge windfalls.

Lotto Max is one of the best options when it comes to lotteries in Canada, and of course it is because it offers a main prize of up to 70 million Canadian dollars. The game is drawn twice a week, once on Tuesday and Friday. And once the winnings exceed C$50 million, every draw also comes with a C$1 million Max winnings that can be accumulated during the next round.

On Friday, October 14, 2022, the country hosted the latest draw for Lotto Max with an incredible C$7,000,000 winnings. Unfortunately for the ticket holder, no one was able to pull down the main prize and claim it. The combinations of winning numbers for the draw were 02, 24, 27, 31, 40, 43, and 46. The bonus number for the draw was 13.

But despite the lack of winners for the astronomical jackpot, the Ontario ticket holder was able to match six of the seven winning numbers and bonus numbers and received a second-place prize of C$1.4 million. In addition, one of the 61 Maxmillions was shared by a Kelowna B.C. player and an Atlantic Canada player. The winners of the tickets are 02, 14, 22, 23, 44, 45, and 47.

It should be mentioned that this is not the only BC winner from Friday’s draw, as three additional chapters of the week took the Max Million. The first winner with the winning numbers 12, 14, 20, 35, 36, 4,246 went to Langley, the second winner went to 8, 13, 21, 29, 41, 44, 46 North Vancouver, and the last winner went to Victoria, 7, 16, 30, 31, 32, 36 and 47.

In addition, there were five other Canadian dollar winners in western Canada, as well as eight in Ontario and three in Quebec. The lottery also bought a winning ticket worth C$500,000 in the Peace River area, qualifying for Lotto Max Extra and enriching local residents.

The Oct. 7 draw also had a Canadian dollar jackpot of 7,000,000 and no one could call them by name. However, the round presented players with a huge Maximilian Award. According to OLG, Ontario’s six Maximilian prizes were awarded. Five of the winning tickets went to Simcoe County, Halliburton and Muscoca areas, York area, Scarborough and Brampton. The last ticket was online.

At the start of the year, Ontario witnessed a 70 million Canadian dollar jackpot win from the Lotto Max. The lucky winner’s name is Manoharan Ponuturai, and the 54-year-old’s life changed for the better in the draw on December 17, 2021. It was a quick pick option that brought him life-changing pay but he refuses to retire from his job.

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