
Times Square is also in the race for Downstate Casino Licenses

Another candidate is appearing at one of three casinos in downtown New York, making the bidding process even more interesting. 릴게임 The most recent competitors are SL Green Realty Corporation and Caesars Entertainment, which have teamed up to attract casino buildings in an already crowded Times Square and decided to apply for commercial licenses.

The three Downstate casino licenses have become a hot topic in recent weeks, as many companies have expressed interest in the bidding process. The fast-tracking of the process was officially included in the state budget in April this year, and the New York State Gaming Commission recently announced a panel that would be tasked with selecting a winning location.

SL Green Realty Corporation and gambling leader Caesars Entertainment are already actively trying to persuade local restaurants, retailers, and construction workers to board the Times Square casino project. However, casinos at commercial crossings will face many obstacles, such as Hudson Yards bids from Related Companies and Wynn Resorts.

Critics also fear a casino may be built at 1515 Broadway, an SL green skyscraper near West 44th Street. However, the companies are proposing to use a portion of the casino revenue generated to fund Times Square’s safety and sanitation improvements.

As the Broadway League, a trade association for theater owners and producers, emails its members, there are already people against the gaming facility. The association says the casinos will overwhelm areas that are already concentrated, and endanger neighborhoods that rely mostly on Broadway for prosperity.

But still, the Spouse Equity Association has declared its support for gambling places. In a statement, the association said the Times Square casino proposal would be of great benefit to the neighborhood and would enhance security and security in the area. It said it supports the developer’s commitment to make the neighborhood safer for art workers and audiences.

SL Green Realty Corporation has claimed that the nearby casino will offer more than 50 new AI camera systems strategically deployed across Times Square. Each of these devices will be able to monitor more than 85,000 people a day. The company said the bid’s safety plan was developed by former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton.

Caesars Entertainment and SL Green Realty will also face competition for one of Thor Equitiz’s licenses. Recently, the company announced its intention to bid heavily for a commercial casino in Coney Island. However, since it is an essential requirement for a successful effort, the company must get local support.

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