
You Want Me To Show You My Original Lucky Charm, Bret Phil

The KIA Tigers put Socrates Brito, a foreign hitter who played for the last two seasons 2022-2023, on the list of suspended players submitted to the Korea Baseball Organization on the 25th. He is negotiating with the prospect of renewing his contract. 먹튀검증

After the 2023 regular season, KIA evaluated itself that the first baseman’s contribution to the attack was the lowest. As a result, he also considered recruiting a first baseman as a new foreign hitter. However, there was also an evaluation that internal prospects such as Hwang Dae-in and Byun Woo-hyuk, who can grow into long hitters, have not yet had a chance to show their skills. In the closing camp, he also prepared alternatives such as trying to convert outfielder Lee Woo-sung to first base. One of the main outfield players was decided to be filled with foreign players, and Socrates, who verified his skills, was the priority of the contract.

Socrates played in 142 games this season, recording a batting average of 0.285 with 20 home runs and 96 RBIs, and an OPS on-base plus slugging of 0.807. His batting average fell from the 2022 season 0.311, but he hit three more home runs. His batting average in scoring position, which was 0.274 in the first half, soared to 0.329 in the second half. Since Sept. 19, when Na Sung-bum left due to an injury, he has recorded a batting average of 0.361, the most RBIs 17 points in the team.

His defense is better than last season. Although there was an evaluation that the coverage of the ball was narrow compared to the top outfielders, he showed more stable defense this season. He scored a total of 69.44 points in the center field of the 2023 KBO Defensive Award announced on the 17th, ranking third after Park Hae-min LG Twins and Jung Soo-bin (Doosan Bears).

Brett Phil retired is the only foreign hitter who has played full-time in KIA for three consecutive years. Phil signed with KIA ahead of the 2014 season and played until the 2016 season. He has a batting average of 0.316, 61 home runs.

An KIA official said, Because he was an exemplary player on and off the ground, a lot of young players followed the feel. KIA, who knew this aspect, also recruited Phil again as an overseas scout in May 2017.

Socrates has already adapted to the KBO league and life in Korea. I also have good affinity with my colleagues. The club’s evaluation is also good. He is already loved by KIA fans as the main character of addictive cheering songs and dances and is nicknamed Teshyeong.

Phil was not included in KIA’s pending list after the 2016 season. KIA filled the first base that Phil was in charge of at the time with Seo Dong-wook, Kim Joo-hyung retired and Kim Joo-chan current Lotte Giants batting coach and sought to reinforce the outfield. Roger Bernadina was the player who recruited him that way.

If Socrates renews his contract with KIA this season and maintains his previous skills in the 2024 season, he could become the longest-serving foreign hitter in the KIA club beyond Phil. Attention is focusing on whether Tess-hyung and KIA will continue to accompany them.

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