
You’re Behind Yunhyeongbin’s soy Sauce Terror Attack Makes a Mess at The Press Conference

Yoon Hyung-bin, a gagman who returned to Road FC after nine years, was attacked by his opponent. 스포츠토토 Yoon Hyung-bin attended the ROAD FC 067 press conference held at Seoul Tower in Namsan on the 22nd.

The accident occurred in the closing sequence of the press conference. Showuniki rose from his seat during Yoon Hyung-bin’s remarks and poured black liquid into Yoon Hyung-bin’s head. The liquid was soy sauce. Soyou means soy sauce in Japanese, and Soyou Nikki often provoked with soy sauce in Japan, but Yun Hyung-bin became the victim on this day.

At the same time, he continued to provoke Yoon Hyung-bin, saying, You must be nervous. Let’s do it with me now. Yoon Hyung-bin endured an immediate response but said, You’re behind on the field. I said a word.

Yoon Hyung-bin will face off against Japan’s Soyuz Nikki through the ‘Fighter 100 Special Match’ at Goobne ROAD FC 067 at the Grand Hotel in Switzerland, Seoul, on December 16.

Yoon Hyung-bin, who made his debut as a fighter at the Road FC 014 tournament in 2014, nine years ago and won by knocking out Japan’s Takaya Tsukuda in the first round, will return to the match against Korea and Japan.

Fighter 100 is a hot rule that sees the game as fast as its name for 100 seconds. And in order to bring out a hot game, it applied a rule that allows for foundation for up to five seconds without submission during take-down, targeting the MZ generation who prefer short times like shorts.

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