
Biggest Canadian Dollar Dottery winnings remain The Same

Once again, Lotto Max wins continue to increase significantly because tickets won in the last round have not been sold. 온라인카지노사이트 The previous draw for the nationwide lottery game was held on Friday, December 31, 2021, and it offered a major prize of CA$37 million. Unfortunately, no tickets from Canada’s 10 states and 3 territories matched the winning numbers.

Every week, lottery winners have two chances to win from Lotto Max, as they have two draws from Lotto Max. Once on Tuesday and once on Friday. Along with Lotto 6/49, the game is one of the most popular lottery-based games in the country, and every year local residents receive hundreds of millions of Canadian dollars in prize money.

On Friday, December 31, 2021, Lotto Max made its last draw of the calendar year, but unfortunately, it did not find a main prize winner. It amounted to C$37 million, and no tickets in the country matched all the winning numbers of 07, 25, 30, 35, 38, 40, 49 and 27 as bonus numbers.

Players should not be discouraged because the prize money will go up to a staggering $43 million in the next round. The next draw is scheduled for Tuesday, January 4, 2022. Tickets are already available and can be purchased at land-based retail lottery venues or depending on your location on one of the state’s official regulated online platforms.

Meanwhile, Lotto 6/49 did not find a winner in the final draw held on Saturday, January 1, 2021. The winning numbers were 07, 08, 15, 17, 19, 33, 06 as bonuses, but tickets from home didn’t match this and charged a nice 25 million Canadian dollars worth of prize money.

However, despite no winners, the $1 million guaranteed prize of the draw was awarded to the British Columbia ticket holder number 04594498-01. Winners can now enjoy a windfall for up to 52 weeks. The next round of the fans’ favorite game is set for January 5, 2022, and will be a home run of more than $28 million.

Last year, it was quite generous to many lottery fans from Canada. For example, the British Columbia Lottery Company awarded residents a total of $891 million in lottery tickets in 2021. A total of 102 million winning tickets were sold on retail sites and online. Last year, the biggest win went to Christine Lawson, who received a $70,000 CA in a single Lotto Max.

Similar to BCLC, the Western Canadian Lottery Company also released its annual lottery highlights report. The Crown Agency awarded a total of CA$348 million to athletes from grasslands and the North. Of CA$348 million, 81 were worth CA$1 million or more. Also in 2021, Manitoba recorded a lottery jackpot of CA$60 million, the largest lottery holder.

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