
Cheonan City FC, which changed its next head coach in a week, was appointed as the mayor of Cheonan, why?

“We appointed Kim Tae-wan as the 7th head coach,” Cheonan said on the 18th. “We have searched for various candidates to rebound in the 2024 season. Finally, we have decided to accompany Kim Tae-wan, who can give Cheonan his unique color.”

Initially, it was considered a “fertilizing fact” for Cheonan to have Park Kyung-hoon, a technical advisor at Busan I-Park, at the helm. On the 26th of last month, it was reported that Park Kyung-hoon, an advisor, was appointed as the next coach when former coach Park Nam-yeol was about to play the final match against K League 2 FC Anyang.

When he heard the news from the “outside,” not from the inside, Park was furious. Just a week ago, he was given a retainer by the mayor as a companion for the next season, and was stoned by the team’s “abnormal appointment process.” As such, Park Nam-yeol left the team, and his advisor Park Kyung-hoon seemed to become the coach for the 2024 season.

Things have changed. A week ago, Park Kyung-hoon’s job as a coach failed. The ostensible reason is the difference in terms of conditions. Park is one of the most experienced coaches, including the U-17 national team coach and Jeju United and Seongnam FC. He wanted to be treated by Cheonan City to a certain extent, but due to the nature of the civic team, he could not meet all the requirements. It is known that the gap is quite large.

There was also a strong backlash from within the club. Opposition rose against the idea of appointing a person as a manager with the influence of the mayor without formal procedures. There were already many people in Cheonan who viewed this as bad. They rebelled against Advisor Park’s next manager position, citing various issues. It was a decisive blow that Advisor Park’s appointment failed. And Cheonan appointed Kim Tae-wan, a former manager of Gimcheon Sangmu.

Cheonan City has been noisy throughout the 2023 season. Even though it is a foundation, the team did not issue an official recruitment notice and brought in people. In the first place, the team created another vacancy and made people sit down. It was also noisy due to youth issues, but this time, it did not disappoint. A soccer official criticized the team, saying, “It was noisy due to the right to appoint a coach, but this happened. It is difficult to understand.”

Cheonan, which finished its first professional season in 2023 at the bottom, seems to need to refine not only its performance but also its administration.

Meanwhile, Kim Tae-wan, the new coach, expressed his determination, saying, “Cheonan has had a difficult season this year. As a new team member, I want to use my previous experience to color the team and melt the learning about advanced soccer that I have learned so far.”

BY: 토토

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