
“I was afraid” Park Yoo-yeon confessed to drunk driving…Doosan to apply criminal penalty?

“The club’s disciplinary committee will be held early next week.”

Doosan Bears catcher Park Yoo-yeon (25) caused a shock when it was revealed that she hid the fact that her license was suspended for drunk driving instead of immediately reporting it to the club.

Park was caught driving drunk while driving near her home in late September.

The problem was that she got behind the wheel the morning after drinking.

Doosan received an anonymous tip three months after the incident.

The tipster informed the club that “a 1.5-grade catcher was driving drunk,” and the club conducted its own investigation and obtained Park’s confession.

Doosan reported the incident to the KBO Clean Baseball Center immediately after the investigation.

Park Yoo-yeon reportedly said that she was “very scared” for not reporting the incident to the club immediately.

Although he was not charged with driving under the influence, his license was suspended, making it difficult for him to avoid severe punishment.

When he took office in March of last year, KBO Commissioner Heo Koo-yeon said, “I call on all players.

I urge you to observe the four no-no’s (drunk driving, match-fixing, sexual offenses, and drug use) as prohibitions.

We have recently learned the hard way that the deviation of a few players can have a devastating impact on the entire baseball world.”

Kang Jeong-ho, who was trying to return to the KBO after serving a DUI suspension at the time, was forced to back down by the commissioner’s tough stance. 카지노

According to the KBO’s DUI penalties, the first offense is a 70-game suspension, and the first offense is a one-year disqualification.

A second offense is a five-year ban, and a third or more is a permanent ban.

Since Park’s license was suspended, the 70-game suspension is a certainty.

Doosan will be without him for at least the first half of next season.

The KBO will hold a disciplinary committee soon to decide whether to impose additional punishment, such as community service, in addition to the suspension.

Doosan manager Lee Seung-yeop has been emphasizing the importance of a backup catcher as he prepares for next season.

Park Yoo-yeon, Jang Seung-hyun, Ahn Seung-han and others were set to compete for the No. 2 spot to share the burden of starter Yang Yang-ji.

In the second round of the draft held last month, the team was serious about developing a backup catcher, investing 400 million won to select LG Twins catching prospect Kim Ki-yeon in the first round.

Park Yoo-yeon put a big dent in that plan.

Apart from the KBO punishment, Doosan will also hold the club accountable for hiding the fact that Park was driving under the influence.

“We will hold a club disciplinary committee early next week,” a Doosan official told Sporting News on Sept. 9. Doosan is struggling with the level of discipline.

Recently, there was a case similar to Park Yoo-yeon’s.

Bae Young-bin, 23, an infielder for the Lotte Giants, was caught driving under the influence of alcohol and did not notify the club.

On October 23, Bae hired a designated driver after a night of drinking in his Seoul home, but he was caught by police pulling his car out of an alley.

His blood alcohol level was enough to revoke his license, and the KBO handed him a one-year suspension and 80 hours of community service.

Lotte held its own disciplinary committee and decided to release Bae.

The decision was based on the fact that he was guilty of cheating.

Park Yoo-yeon said she was afraid of Bae Young-bin’s case and tried to hide it from the club, but she couldn’t cover the sky with her palms.

Park was drafted by Doosan in the 60th pick of the second round of the 2017 rookie draft after graduating from Dongsang High School and was expected to be an offensive catcher.

Nagging knee injuries slowed his development, but the club believed in his potential and waited.

Even when Kim’s arrival complicated the catcher competition, a Doosan official said, “It’s hard to say that Park Yoo-yeon can’t be a catcher.

It is true that she is not in a situation where she can train strongly due to her knee problem, but she still has the will to play catcher,” he said.

Park’s first-team statistics include 28 games, a .250 batting average (9-for-36), a .289 on-base percentage, a .306 slugging percentage, and three RBIs.

The next season, she was poised to make her mark on the first team, but all of her hard work was in danger of going to waste.

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