
Japanese pitcher Yamamoto is on the verge of setting a new record for the highest amount of MLB postings ever.

Japanese right-handed pitcher Yoshinobu Yamamoto (25, Orix Buffaloes), who is challenging the American professional baseball Major League (MLB) stage, reserved the highest amount in the posting system (private competitive bidding) in history.CBS Sports and The Athletic, an online sports media outlet, reported on the 17th (Korean time) that the San Francisco Giants and Boston Red Sox offered Yamamoto more than $300 million (about 391.2 billion won) as a condition for signing him.The posting system is a process that players who played in Korean and Japanese professional baseball go through to advance to MLB with the approval of their club before becoming eligible as a free agent (FA).The highest contract amount in the posting system in history is the $155 million received by Japanese right-handed pitcher Masahiro Tanaka (currently of the Rakuden Golden Eagles) when he signed a seven-year contract with the New York Yankees in January 2014.

Unlike today, where a player can set up a negotiation table with 30 teams at the same time if he is posted (announced) as a player who can negotiate with all MLB teams, the Yankees signed the highest amount at the time, $20 million, and negotiated exclusively with Tanaka. They dressed him in a striped uniform.$20 million was the transfer fee paid by the Yankees to Rakuten, Tanaka’s original club. Yamamoto is trying to write a new history in the posting system with a super-special contract that is almost twice that of Tanaka.Similar to the Los Angeles Dodgers, San Francisco, which lost Shohei Ohtani to the Dodgers despite offering $700 million over 10 years, ended the contract with Lee Jeong-hoo (25) first and now focuses on recruiting Yamamoto.However, as it was reported that Otani personally took the initiative to recruit Yamamoto from the Dodgers, San Francisco was in danger of losing two birds with one stone.Yamamoto is a super ace who has won three Pacific League wins, ERA, and strikeouts for three consecutive years so far this year.Over a seven-year career in Japanese professional baseball, he recorded 70 wins, 29 losses, 32 holds, an ERA of 1.82, and 922 strikeouts. He was the league’s best player for three consecutive years and won the Sawamura Award, the Japanese version of the Cy Young Award. He was then mentioned as the 스포츠토토존 second player to receive attention.

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