
KIA Kim Do-young AVG 0.342, but one man is cold

KIA’s second-year infielder Kim Do-young (20) is 25 at-bats in 17 games this season, batting average of 0.342, two home runs, seven RBIs, 11 runs, and seven steals, 0.368 slugging percentage, 0.521 OPS 0.889 scoring percentage. Besides a slight drop in scoring percentage, his performance is so outstanding. Considering that he is in his second year as a high school graduate, he deserves praise.

However, coach Kim Jong-kook does not praise Kim Do-young. As expected, the head coach catches parts that people cannot easily catch. Head coach Kim said before the Gwangju Doosan match was canceled due to rain on the 22nd, “I’m still a little inexperienced, so I’m only trying to attack.”

I’m not saying that Kim Do-young should attack less and pay more attention to defense. He pointed out his overly aggressive appearance at bat. Basically, it is very important for batters to swing aggressively with confidence. That way, you can show 100% of your ability.

However, in head coach Kim’s view, Kim Do-young’s aggressive side sometimes goes too far. He said, “There are parts where I try to endure and play difficult balls. In the case of yesterday, Yang Eui-ji (Doosan) eventually suffered at an important moment. “When the opponent’s ball mix changes, there is a part where the coping part decreases a little,” he said. In fact, in the match against Doosan in Gwangju on the 21st, there was a scene where Yang Eui-ji was deceived by a manned ball due to a ball mix. The slight drop in scoring percentage should also be considered to be related to this part.

Basically, Kim Do-young is a style that absolutely relies on athletic ability. The greatest athletic ability of all time is a blessing. If experience and wisdom are added to this, you can grow into a true second Lee Jong-beom. Of course, it is a performance that deserves praise as it is now, but head coach Kim has to find something to supplement and ventilate the surroundings.

Coach Kim said, “It’s an experience. We’ve played 20 games. Due to lack of experience, there is a lack of ability to cope with fighting and ball mixing. It’s good to be confident, but what I suffered yesterday is lack of experience. It hasn’t been long since he returned from injury. “You have to run full-time at least once.”

Coach Kim’s point is 100% correct. Kim Do-young was a backup last year and joined at the end of the first half this season. In a word, Shilling is all-time, but of course he doesn’t have an average (not a batting average but an ability accumulated over the years). In the end, the average will soar differently from others, but I still think we should watch carefully.

However, there seems to be no need to worry too much in that what head coach Kim pointed out can be solved if he eventually gains experience. Kim Do-young is a player who will continue to play full-time without injury in the future. He is already KIA’s main infielder and the main third baseman. Although there are still future military service variables, KIA is fully supporting Kim Do-young’s growth.

BY: 스포츠토토

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