
Lotto Quebec To Respond To Calls For Regulated iGames Sector

In September 2023, the Quebec Online Gaming Coalition stepped up its lobbying efforts to introduce a regulated online gambling framework in Quebec. However, Lotto-Quebec was not happy with the latest request, and regulators have blamed the coalition as some private operators offer illegal online gambling in the provinces. 온라인카지노사이트

State regulators responded on the back of a QOGC spokesperson in Quebec to introduce a private iGaming sector similar to the Ontario model. The coalition, with the support of the National Basketball Association, Major League Soccer and the Canadian Football League, urged the provinces to consider this.

However, Roto Quebec, the only provider of regulatory gambling in the province, has some doubts about the union’s intentions. The Crown said in a statement that it was strange for QOGC to demand a regulatory framework as some members now provide illegal online gambling services to Quebec residents.

In a statement, Crown continued to say the lobby sounded all kinds of questions and alarm. He pointed out that these private operators are acting in the interest of responsible gambling despite highly questionable practices. Launched in May, the coalition includes Betway, Bet99, DraftKings, Entain, Flutterent, Games Global, Rush Street and more.

Meanwhile, last week Montreal Public Health released a 42-page report opposing Crown Company’s plans to launch a mini-casino next to the Bell Centre in downtown Montreal. In the report, the organisation made recommendations to the Crown and referred to the 2014 I Do report. Similar to 2014, the MPH also advised provinces to find independent agencies to oversee online gambling.

However, Lotto-Québec disagrees and insists he has the best interests in his mind. Unlike QOGC members, their website is designed for locals and believes that 100 percent of profits go to the local population. It also noted that lotoquebec.com is a secure website that reflects and promotes the best responsible gambling practices in the field.

The Chairman of the Canadian Football League also mentioned the possibility of iGaming in Quebec. Randy Ambrosi believes that a sector similar to Ontario will create a “level playing field” and protect the region’s unique culture. That is why the CFL is urging other leagues to join and fully explore the benefits of the regulated eye-gaming sector.

Mr Ambrosi explained that the new market would not operate in the dark and would protect the integrity of competition while promoting responsible gambling. According to him, it will enable a “flat playing field” across the North American market, which will also be an opportunity to protect and strengthen the region’s culture and benefit the local people.

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