
“Ryu Hyun-jin, I’m going to make Pittsburgh scream.” Isn’t it $10 million? If you combine it with Bae Ji-hwan for just one year

Ryu Hyun-jin (37, FA) is touring the U.S. with “New Year’s Day, ~Ramen.” This time, it is the Pittsburgh Pirates again. Rum Bunter, who deals with Pittsburgh in Fanside, pointed to Ryu Hyun-jin as one of the FAs that Pittsburgh should keep in mind on the 15th (Korean time).

“Ryu Hyun-jin returned in August and received positive reviews as a veteran left-hander despite missing more than a year. He has never been a strikeout pitcher in a single season, but his 17 percent strikeout rate was the lowest in a season when he started at least 10 games,” said Rum Burnter.

Rum Bunter continued, “The ballnet ratio of 6.3 percent led to a higher-than-average strikeout/ballnet (2.71) ratio. The number of home runs per nine innings is high at 1.56, but the batting speed, hard hit ratio, and barrel hitting ratio all exceeded the average, and the home run/fly ratio was 16.4 percent, which was more than 4 percent higher than the career average.”

Although he still throws economically, he is a pitcher with a high risk of giving up a well-hit ball. It is increasingly difficult for modern baseball to survive. Lim Bunter also added that Ryu Hyun-jin has a similar Cebu stat to another FA Mike Clevinger.

Rum Bunter concluded, “Ryu Hyun-jin is the player that Pittsburgh will be interested in.” Specifically, he said, “He is a veteran left-hander who pitches smoothly, seeking to rebound after pitching less than 100 innings over the past two years. That makes General Manager Ben Cherington shout.”

He predicted that he would not be able to sign a $10 million contract a year. Rum Bunter said, “I’ll probably order a one-year contract. 2024 will probably be less than $10 million considering his most recent season was shortened by injury.”

In the first place, Ryu was expected to easily receive a one-year guarantee of 10 million dollars. However, if the demand decreases over time, the team may gain strength. On the other hand, we should also expect the negotiating power of “Devil Agent” Scott Boras.

The prevailing view is that Ryu is unlikely to actually accept the 10 million dollar contract from his team, not from the big market. Reportedly, Ryu is considering a team that can advance to the postseason or a big city. In this regard, Pittsburgh does not match. In a way, a variable is Bae’s presence. It is a good thing that Ryu Hyun-jin and Bae Ji-hwan will join the team at the end of his career, both on and off the field.

BY: 토토사이트

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