
IGT to supply 720 new VLTs to western Canada

On Monday, May 30, 2023, International Game Technology PLC announced that it would expand its operations in Western Canada through a contract with Western Canada Rotary Corporation. Under the deal, the leading gaming provider will deliver 720 Crystal Dual® 27 video lottery terminals to WCLC. This is the fourth launch of IGT in the region in seven years.

IGT is a global name for the gambling industry because it provides a pleasant and responsible experience for players with lottery, games, sports betting, and digital content. The company showcases a wide range of engaging content, significant investments in innovation, player insights, operational expertise, and cutting-edge technology that enables operations in more than 100 jurisdictions.

After the announcement, IGT is now preparing to deliver more premium cabinets to Crown Agency. Under the agreement, the vendor will launch a widely popular set of CX game VLT content in Saskatchewan. These include titles such as 7’s Wild Gold, Big City 5’s™, The Wild Life™, Thunder Stamped™, and two recently released Cash Expansion™ Temple of Fire™ and Greenback Attack™.

WCLC Vice President Eric Karmark VLT Gaming & Operations said Crown is committed to delivering the highest level of VLT hardware that provides the best possible gaming experience in Saskatchewan. He believes IGT’s new 720 VLT machine and interesting titles will keep Crown’s promise while saying a lot and improving the local market.

David Flynn, senior vice president of IGT in Canada, South America and Central America, said the launch of the new cabinet will further strengthen the provider’s commitment to WCLC’s continued growth. He added that Crystal Dual 27 continues to prove versatile with regard to the global gaming market with premium dual-screen VLT cabinets.

The Crystal Dual 27 VLT features two displays that deliver state-of-the-art graphics, along with an industry-leading audio package. It also impresses with its ergonomic design, improved player interface, and charging port for mobile devices. The new VLT is also connected by IGT’s InterGEN™ central system operated by WCLC for machine accounting, event tracking, and system security.

In addition to Saskatchewan, IGT also exists in several other jurisdictions across Canada. This includes Quebec and in November 2022, the supplier’s subsidiary IGT Canada Solutions ULC signed a five-year extension with Robo-Québec. The agreement provided Crown with an improved version of the InterGEN™ Video Lottery Central System Software.

The famous game distributor also operates in Manitoba through the Manitoba Liquor and Lottery Company. In June 2022, the two companies announced a new collaboration for their suppliers, debuting more than 960 cobalt 27VLTs in the provinces. Some of the new titles were Temple of Fire Cash Effect, Big City 5’s™, Five Times Pay, Power Keno and Double Bonus Poker.

BY: 온라인카지노

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