
Slong, challenge for 7th win in women’s professional billiards Final match with Lim Jeong-sook

Throng Piavi reaches LPBA finals after 7 months

 Cambodian women’s professional billiards (LPBA) top star Throng Piavi (Blue One Resort) took the opportunity to challenge for the women’s division record of 7 wins. Slong defeated Kim Kyung-ja with a set score of 3-2 in the LPBA semifinals of the 8th tour of the season ‘Welcome Savings Bank Wellbang PBA-LPBA Championship’ held at KINTEX PBA Stadium in Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do on the afternoon of the 10th.It has been seven months since Srong advanced to the LPBA finals at the Silk Road & Ansan LPBA Championship, which was the second tour of this season.

Srong, who had defeated Yong Hyun-ji (High1 Resort) at the time and achieved his 6th win, had a minor conflict with Frédéric Caudron, the men’s PBA winner, while taking a photo ahead of the championship press conference. A fan of Slong who was watching this broke into the press conference room and caused a disturbance. Afterwards, Srong was unable to get out of a slump for a while, losing consecutive matches in the competitions he participated in, but recently regained his original skills. Srong, who along with Ga-young Kim (Hana Card) has won the LPBA title six times, the most in her career, will become the sole leader in most wins if she wins this time. Srong’s opponent in the finals is Lim Jeong-sook (Crown Haitai), a five-time champion.

Lim Jeong-sook defeated Kim Bo-mi (NH Nonghyup Card) in the semifinals with a set score of 3-1 and won a ticket to the finals. Lim Jeong-sook earned the nickname ‘Queen of Well-Bang’ as four of her five wins were at the ‘Well-Bang Championship’ .The match between Srong and Lim Jeong-sook for the championship prize of 30 million won will be held at 1:30 pm on the 11th.In the men’s PBA round of 16, Park Ki-ho continued his ‘unknown sensation’ by defeating Lee Sang-dae (Welcome Savings Bank).Ki-ho Park previously defeated ‘Turkiye Magic’ Semi Signer (Huons) in the round of 32.Kwon Hyuk-min advanced to the quarterfinals for the first time by achieving his first perfect cue of the tournament against Park Joo-seon, and Geonhwi Jo 스포츠토토존 (SK Rent-a-car) also joined the quarterfinals by defeating teammate Kang Dong-gung.

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