
The “Korea Football Association” is the subject of Lee Kang-in’s stance

The KFA held a meeting of executives on matters related to the Korean national soccer team at the Korea Football Center located in Sinmun-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul on Wednesday. As a result of the meeting, coach Jurgen Klinsmann was dismissed.

The aftermath of the 2023 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Asian Cup is serious. Coach Klinsmann, who was criticized before, during and after his appointment, put down his baton after a meeting with the Power Enhancement Committee and executives.

Another problem occurred. During the Asian Cup, a dispute between Son Heung-min and Lee Kang-in surfaced. After the news reported in the British “The Sun”, which is notorious for its yellow media, the association admitted the team’s discord unusually quickly, causing controversy.

At the time of the announcement, Chairman Chung Mong-gyu said, “Nearly 50 people joined the camp for more than 40 days. This happened at a time when everyone was very sensitive. I think it is only aggravating the wound. The media and fans need to help us as well.”

“The most important thing is to make the national team one team. I think the collapse of the important threshold during the Asian Cup was not a team,” he added.

Conflicts between the players cannot be aside, but what is clear is that the association’s official recognition is also responsible. After the controversy, Lee Kang-in has fallen back from the national support. The association, which has to protect players, should take responsibility for raising conflicts and sitting on the sidelines.

Critics point out that Klinsmann’s replacement is nothing more than a tail-cut. During the Q&A session, Chairman Chung Mong-gyu, who is most responsible for Klinsmann’s appointment, said, “At the time of the 2018 General Assembly, I changed the articles of association to limit the term of chairman to three consecutive terms. However, the KOC and the Culture, Sports and Tourism Ministry did not approve it. I will replace it with that.” He hinted at the possibility of seeking a fourth term amid growing public opinion calling for his resignation.

Armed with the golden generation, South Korea was eliminated in vain at the Asian Cup, and the time he accompanied coach Klinsmann ended in a complete failure. Association-level reform and reform are required.

BY: 스포츠토토

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