
Caesars Digital and AGS Interactive launch Rakin’ Bacon Odyssey in New Jersey

Caesars Entertainment and PlayAGS have introduced the slot game Rakin’ Bacon Odyssey in New Jersey, marking the first cross-platform launch of its kind in the state.

The event, held at Caesars Atlantic City, featured the unveiling of Rakin’ Bacon Odyssey both in-person and online, with Francine Maric, known as Lady Luck HQ, in attendance alongside Caesars representatives.

Matthew Sunderland, Caesars Digital SVP and Chief iGaming Officer, said: “The simultaneous launch of Rakin’ Bacon Odyssey on Caesars Palace Online Casino and at our destinations in Atlantic City is an example of the exciting omnichannel experience we can bring to our players.

“We’ve seen how popular this game is in other jurisdictions and we’re confident our casino players and guests in New Jersey will enjoy it. Thank you to our great partners at AGS for this exclusive launch and to Lady Luck HQ for coming out to celebrate with us.”

Lady Luck HQ joined the event to commemorate the launch. AGS’ Rakin’ Bacon Odyssey is an extension of the slot game Rakin’ Bacon, featuring the character ‘Cornsquealius’, a pig cartoon adorned in a Caesar-esque laurel and white robe.

In celebration of the launch, Caesars Digital is offering users 21 and older the chance to take advantage of its first omnichannel promotions linked to a new slot, with entry available both in-person at Caesars destinations in Atlantic City and via the Caesars Palace Online Casino app.

Karen Worman, Caesars Atlantic City SVP and GM, said: “This exclusive launch illustrates the connection we’re continuing to build between our destinations and our online casino platforms. That connection is something we’re uniquely positioned to deliver to our customers and we look forward to celebrating more of these moments that bring our offerings to life across the in-person and digital experience.”

This launch follows Caesars Digital’s partnership with EveryMatrix, integrating its casino content into Caesars Palace Online Casino and Caesars Sportsbook & Casino across North America.

The collaboration extended EveryMatrix’s reach to Caesars Digital customers in multiple US states, providing access to a range of real-money games.

BY: 토토사이트 추천

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