
Doo Kyung-min also remained in the DB, which was too big and difficult to bring in

The possibility was not high. It is Doo Kyung-min, who can be coveted by all teams in terms of name and skills, but there are risks in the process. He has disappeared from the court since the 8th of last month, and there is a lot of talk about this and that. If the story is true, no team may want Doo Kyung-min.

Some predicted that the Goyang Sono could target Doo Kyung-min. However, Sono coach Kim Seung-ki reiterated the need to form a team centered on Lee Jung-hyun. “Lee Jung-hyun is No. 1 in our team. That will never change. After the season, I will recruit FA to positions that are needed, centering on Lee Jung-hyun.”

Still, he didn’t just leave the possibility as zero. “We didn’t even have a player to give to us. We talked about it as a trade card without Chung Hyeon and Sung Hyeon, but it didn’t work out,” Kim said. In other words, there were no players who deserved the award from Sono, except for Lee Jung-hyun and Jeon Sung-hyun in terms of DB.

“Currently, about six teams are strong. The team is almost formed. The bottom ranks are not bad except for us and Samsung. In other words, not many teams would want Doo Kyung-min except for the two teams,” he said.

In the end, at this point, there is only a DB where Doo Kyung-min can stand up again. However, DB is on a roll without Doo Kyung-min. It is dominating the top spot. The main handler role that Doo Kyung-min has played is also efficiently played by Lee Sun-bano. Like Albano, there is a part where the demand for Doo Kyung-min has decreased as Asian quarter players play in Korea.

It is Doo Kyung-min, who has had several incidents before. While playing in MVP mode in the 2017-2018 season, he broke down the tower he built. He transferred to Daegu Gas Corporation through a trade in June 2021 and returned to the DB as an FA after the 2021-2022 season, but nothing has changed.

He shows off his outstanding skills and always goes out of his team. He has been at the center of the issue ahead of the trade deadline, and for now, a DB will be added in front of the name of Doo Kyung-min until this season.

BY: 안전 토토사이트

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