
Final qualifying round is on the verge of failure Will China change its starting position be a super-stronger

Will China, which is aiming for the 2026 FIFA North Korea-China-U.S. World Cup final qualifying round, seek to counterattack by making a massive change in its squad? Ahead of its fourth Group C match against Singapore, China predicted that it would choose other resources instead of its main goalie as well as defender Zhang Linfeng.

China will play its fourth Group C match against Singapore at 9 p.m. on the 26th at the Olympic Center Stadium in Tianjin, China, for the second Asian qualifying round for the 2026 FIFA North and Central America World Cup. China (1 win, 1 draw, 1 loss, 4 points), ranked third in Group C, must beat Singapore (1 draw, 2 losses, 1 point) to win the final qualifying ticket given up to second place in the group.

However, China drew 2-2 in the third game against Singapore on the 21st. It finished with a 2-0 lead in the first half in the enemy territory, but received a report card that it was a draw due to overlapping defensive errors in the second half. It was a disappointing result for China.

Chinese media outlet Sohu Dotcom said on Monday, “China tied with Singapore 2-2 in the third game, and the situation has become less optimistic. Only when we beat Singapore and Thailand, we have a high chance of advancing to the final qualifying round,” and pointed out, “There is no way out anymore. We cannot keep losing points to Southeast Asian teams.”

Meanwhile, China is set to make a drastic change in its squad ahead of the fourth match. Media outlets paid attention to players wearing vests during open training sessions before the match. According to media outlets, 12 of the national team players wore vests during the training session, but with the exception of some players including Woo Rae-yi, the roster has changed significantly compared to the previous third match.

China’s Sergio Ramos” Zhang Linfeng, who was involved in both runs due to an error against Singapore, also reportedly failed to wear a vest. In the first place, Zhang Linfeng made a statement that seemed to indicate his retirement after the draw in the third game, but he remained with the national team due to the persuasion of the coaches. The media predicted that Gao Jun-yu will start instead of Zhang Linfeng. In addition, the media explained that the main goalkeeper will also change.

Meanwhile, the new coach of Croatia, who is leading China, said, “Our top goal is to advance to the World Cup finals. We can only hope if we have a goal,” adding, “The media, fans, and clubs all need to create a good environment together. Everyone has to work hard to advance to the World Cup.”

BY: 토토사이트 순위

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