
Let’s catch Korea! Even the prime minister came out Bonus per point is 110,000 won

The South Korean national soccer team (22nd FIFA ranking), led by interim coach Hwang Sun-hong, will face Thailand (101st FIFA ranking) in the fourth round of Group C of the 2026 FIFA Canada-Mexico-U.S. (North Central America) World Cup qualifying round at 9:30 p.m. on the 26th (Korea time) at Rajamangala National Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand. Currently, South Korea (7, 2 wins, 1 draw, 9 losses, 1 loss, +8) is ranked first, and Thailand (4, 1 win, 1 draw, 5 losses, 4 losses, +1) is ranked second.

Thailand is the representative soccer player of Southeast Asia. At the ASEAN Football Association (AFF) Championship (Mitsubishi Electric Cup), the country won its first title (1996), the latest title (2022) and the most titles (7 times). As Southeast Asian countries are lethargic and have yet to make the World Cup finals, Thailand’s achievement at the Mitsubishi Electric Cup is certainly meaningful.

Recently, the head of the Thai Football Association (FAT) changed. Nualfan Ramsam, the CEO of Muang Thai Insurance and nicknamed “Madam Fang,” was elected as the head of the association for the first time in its history. According to the FAT website, Ramsam received 68 out of 73 votes, the highest ever vote (93 percent). He is constantly touring the soccer scene to create a revival of soccer.

Thailand will play against South Korea at Rajamangala National Stadium, the holy site of the Thai soccer team. The FAT website reads, “FAT President Ramsam expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Theta Tawisin. He has decided to pay 3 million baht (about 11.55 million won) per point ahead of an important match.” If the team wins, it will total 9 million baht (about 331.65 million won).

“A very important match will be held against South Korea at Rajamangala National Stadium. I want to support FAT in securing funds in various areas to help Thai players. It is 3 million baht per point. I hope you continue to fight,” he said, hoping to win.

“As the president of the Football Association, I would like to thank the prime minister for supporting Thai soccer at all levels, including the Thai national team and the Thai league,” FAT President Ramsam said.

FAT is preparing a big screen cheering event for fans who are saddened to see all the tickets sold out. FAT President Ramsam said, “All Thais want this match. Cheers should be held with as many people as possible. Of course, tickets have already been sold out. As the head of the association, I plan to set up a big screen next to Rajamangala National Stadium in coordination with the Thai sports authority. This will be another option for fans who cannot afford to buy tickets. This is an opportunity to create a historic night with the national team.” Interest in the Korean game is exploding.

BY: 안전놀이터 추천

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