
SCCG Management partners with USA Sports Media to launch The Strip

Las Vegas-based SCCG Management has announced a partnership with USA Sports Media to introduce ‘The Strip,’ a media venture aimed at reshaping the gambling media landscape, particularly targeting younger demographics.

The collaboration between SCCG Management and USA Sports Media is led by Kelvin MacKenzie.

Stephen Crystal, SCCG Management Founder and CEO, said: “We are delighted to join forces with Kelvin MacKenzie and USA Sports Media to create ‘The Strip.’ This initiative represents a significant leap forward in our mission to innovate within the gambling sector. Our combined expertise will ensure that ‘The Strip’ becomes the premier content hub for young gambling enthusiasts, blending entertainment with insightful gambling education.”

MacKenzie, known for his editorial roles at The Sun and as the founder of Talksport, brings experience to the partnership. However, it’s important to note that MacKenzie received a controversial reputation as a ‘provocative columnist’ in media circles.

MacKenzie commented: “Partnering with SCCG Management is a pivotal step in our quest to reshape the gambling media space. ‘The Strip’ is poised to disrupt the conventional gambling narrative, offering a blend of humour, unpredictability and educational content that will resonate with younger audiences. We’re setting the stage for a new era of gambling entertainment that echoes the vibrant spirit of Las Vegas.”

‘The Strip’ is designed in hopes to emulate the excitement of the Las Vegas Strip, featuring live streams, podcasts and content similar to platforms like Barstool and Bleacher Report.

Crystal further added: “It’s meant to be a fresher ‘barstool’ with broader and wider appeal and a Vegas Strip theme.”

This partnership builds on SCCG Management’s recent collaborations, such as the launch of Versus FC, a new MMA league and a partnership with payment solutions provider Connectika to facilitate international entities entering Brazil’s regulated sectors, including sports betting and iGaming.

BY: 온라인카지노

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