
UFC 9th place “Park Hyun Sung, a scary prospect to win RTU”

Park Hyun-sung (29) has been recognized by the mixed martial arts world class for his potential to succeed in the world’s largest group UFC.

UFC Fight Night 238 will be held in Enterprise, Nevada. Matt Schnell (34), who is ranked ninth in the flyweight division (-57 kg), and Steve Ercheg (29), who is ranked 12th, will face off in the first main card match, which starts at 6 a.m. on March 3, Korean time.

In a pre-video interview with UFC Fight Night 238, Korean-German American fighter Matt Schnell welcomed freshman Park Hyun-sung, who won his official debut in December 2023.

UFC President Dana White encouraged Park after winning her first match and gave her 50,000 U.S. dollars in performance bonus. Matt Schnell expressed familiarity with MK Sports, mentioning ▲Korean grandmother ▲Father, the hometown where Seoul was born ▲Korean culture and love of food.
He also experienced the Korean stage through UFC Fight Night 165 in front of 10,651 spectators who filled Sajik Indoor Stadium in Busan in December 2019. Alessandri Pantoja (34) of Brazil who competed at the time became the seventh flyweight champion in July 2023.

Matt Schnell said, “I grew up in an environment where there were not many Koreans or ethnic Koreans, but I was proud of my ancestry. I always feel connected. If I visit again someday, I may take my family with me.”

He also explained that it is not an official sport in the Summer Olympics, but a black belt called karate, a Japanese martial art. “It is practically a kickboxing gym. In Louisiana, where I grew up (apart from Mississippi State), there were many 涛 players who were good at boxing,” Matt Schnell said.
In the U.S., the “American Kickboxing” was created based on the Shotokan karate system in the 1960s, adding boxing and the leader of the party. Unlike sports airmen who cannot hit the face, they can hit with fists and feet, but they should not attack below the waist like boxing.

Tang Su is an Americanized air capital. It is also called “Kenpo karate” in Japanese for 拳 Law. Matt Schnell said it was not a traditional (Japanese) airlift stamp, adding it was a black belt he received at an American kickboxing-style gym.

BY: 토토

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