
‘Messi and I won the WC’ Argentina MF won’t be able to play with ‘HWANG’

Guido Rodriguez, who won a World Cup with Lionel Messi (Inter Miami) at the Argentina national team, is leaving Real Betis. 

“Rodriguez will leave Real Betis as a free agent at the end of the season,” European soccer transfer market expert Nicolo Skira said on Sunday (ET). 

Rodriguez is an Argentine defensive midfielder. He is considered one of the best holding midfielders in La Liga, possessing all the attributes of a holding midfielder, including excellent positioning, clean interceptions, and precise tackling. The South American is also very good on his feet, which makes him an excellent ball-keeper. 

Rodriguez started playing soccer with River Plate and made his professional debut in 2014. Rodriguez stayed with the team until 2016, and after playing just 16 league games and two Copa Argentina appearances during his time at River Plate, he wanted more playing time. 

He went on loan to Defensa y Husticia in an attempt to secure regular playing time. After the loan ended, Rodriguez moved to Mexican Liga MX side Clube Tijuana. In Tijuana, Rodriguez was a key player for the team, scoring five goals in 39 games.

In January 2017, Rodriguez moved to Club America after just one season. He was reunited with Miguel Herrera, his former coach at Tijuana. With Herrera, who recruited him and was instrumental in his time at Tijuana, Rodriguez earned a starting spot in the Americas. Rodriguez has certainly repaid the faith by becoming one of the top midfielders in Liga MX.

His performances earned him a spot on the Argentina national team. Rodriguez was named to the final roster for the 2019 Copa America and helped Argentina win the 2021 Copa America. He was also named to the final roster for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, where he won the tournament. 

The 2020 winter transfer window saw Rodriguez move to Europe in a Betis jersey. Rodriguez has also established himself as a regular at Betis. He has 토토사이트 been a regular since his first season, and in 2020-21, he made 35 league appearances despite it being his first full-time season. 

By last season, he had made 115 league appearances for Betis and was a key player this season. However, he has been unable to re-sign with Betis and will leave the club as a free agent. A fractured ankle suffered just before the winter transfer window made a summer move more likely. 

Rodriguez is still in his prime at just 30 years old, and his performances as a defensive midfielder will likely attract offers from many clubs. Atletico Madrid and FC Barcelona have expressed interest in him, while SSC Napoli are also keen to sign him. 

With Rodriguez likely to leave this summer, it’s unlikely he’ll be able to play alongside Hwang In-Beom. Serbian publication 24 SEDAM reported on June 26, “Zvezda midfielder Hwang In-bum is on the radar of Real Betis. The Spanish club sent scouts to watch the derby match against Partizan, and Hwang was one of the best players.” 


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