
Mothers who left workplace struggle to win careers back

Park Sun-young, center, a participant at Re:Boot Camp, speaks with other participants at Root Impact's headquarters in Seoul, March 12. Courtesy of Root Impact

Excitement, coupled with a hint of nervousness, filled a conference room at Seongsu-dong in eastern Seoul, on a sunny day in March. Seated side by side at six tables, each bearing the names of a company, a group of women introduced themselves and exchanged greetings in a friendly manner.These women seemingly had almost nothing in common. Their ages, backgrounds and work experiences varied greatly.Yet, there was one thing they all shared: the desire to restart their careers.Roh Seung-hwa, 53, was one of them. As a dedicated mother who put her career on hold for over 10 years to focus on child-rearing, she felt that now is the time to focus on her own growth, not her daughter’s anymore.”My daughter is now majoring in business at college. She’s all grown up. I realized it’s also my time to grow and evolve personally. If I don’t jump in now, I feared there might be no chances left,” Roh said.

The program that Roh and the other 19 women attended is called Re:Boot Camp. Designed by Root Impact, a nonprofit organization, the program aims to support women who paused their careers for marriage, childbirth or caregiving, and are now ready to leverage their prior work experience to advance their careers.Over 10 weeks, participants engaged with real-world projects from various participating companies, refreshing their work acumen and enhancing their practical skills through digital tools and tailored education. Since its inception in 2018, the program has welcomed approximately 140 women, offering them a chance to reignite their careers.”Small companies struggle to recruit experienced talent, yet they’re able to offer a work environment that’s horizontal, flexible and free,” Heo Jae-hyong, CEO of Root Impact, said.”For women resuming their careers after a break, the priority isn’t always a full-time role with high salaries. Instead, their main concern is avoiding extended gaps in their careers. They seek opportunities where they can 온라인카지노 contribute meaningfully and experience self-efficacy, balancing with family responsibilities.”

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