
Professional basketball PBA 2-3 Tours Integrated Operated as 7 regular tours + 1 final

The Professional Youngsoo Kim Association (PBA, President and President) announced its tour operation plan on the 5th, saying, “We will operate the Dream Tour and Challenge Tour integrally from the 2024-25 season.”

Starting from the next season, PBA plans to integrate the six tours, which were previously held in two parts and three parts, and operate a total of eight tours by adding seven regular tours and one final competition. The tournament will be played in the round of 512 tournaments, with prize money around 40 million won (27,940 U.S. dollars) for the regular season and 60 million won (60,000 dollars) for the final. The semifinal and final rounds will be broadcasted on TV. The second part of the integrated tour will be held for a total of four days per tour, and the preliminary rounds will be held on the first and second days of the competition by dividing the round of 512 tournaments into two groups.

The PBA predicts that about 500 players will be registered for the integrated second-part tour, including about 400 who remain in the second-part tour (80 people) and the third-part tour (320 people), 90 who failed Q school, and those who passed the tryout. The number of direct tickets for the first-part tour, which is given to top-ranking players, including 15 for the Dream Tour and three for the Challenge Tour, will also increase.

The PBA also said, “The integrated second part of the tour was decided after discussions with the game management committee as it was determined that the stability of the schedule and efficient operation of the tour were necessary. From the next season, we expect each of the seven tours to shorten their season schedules and increase their concentration due to interest in the finals.” Details of the tour, including the number of participants and the way they played in the second part of the final tour, will be announced later.

Meanwhile, the PBA will start preparing for the next season as a PBA Q-School in the 2024-25 season, in which relegation players from the first division compete for remaining in the first division and promotion of the top players from the second and third divisions. The LPBA tryout will take place on July 20, a day after the first round of the queue school ends. The LPBA tryout is a competition for selecting new players, and applications for participation will be accepted through the PBA website from July 8 to 10.

BY: 안전 토토사이트

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