
Tottenham recaptures 4th place with 7 games left. The key is the strong team and the rest of the schedule

Tottenham, which has been unbeaten in the last three consecutive games (2 wins, 1 draw), has been 18 wins, 6 draws and 7 losses (60 points, 20 goals), leading Aston Villa (18 wins, 6 draws, 60 points, 17 goals), which has played one more game, and ranked fourth in goal difference.

Up to fourth place in the EPL can qualify for the UEFA Champions League next season.

Tottenham, which failed to participate in the European club competition this season by finishing eighth last season, aims to participate in the Champions League, the top-ranked tournament in the European club competition in the 2024-25 season.

Tottenham has played one less game, so it is advantageous compared to its “competitor” Aston Villa, but if you look at the schedule of the remaining games, you cannot be optimistic.

In particular, Tottenham has a lot of teams to deal with right away.

The first team that Tottenham faces off is set to play at Newcastle on Tuesday. Newcastle is eighth this season, which has many regrets compared to last season when it ranked fourth. However, Tottenham has a painful memory of its 1-6 defeat at Newcastle last season, which gives it a hard time to relax.

The team will play the North London derby against Arsenal, the first team in the league, on Saturday. As Arsenal is currently the No. 1 team in the league and a rival team based in North London, the team will likely face difficulties.

He will then embark on away games to Chelsea on May 3 and Liverpool on May 6. Chelsea is still in ninth place, but Tottenham is a difficult opponent. Liverpool is a team that is trying to win the title, and in particular, it is a powerhouse that displays strong concentration on its home turf.

In addition, Manchester City (hereinafter referred to as Manchester City), which is seeking its fourth consecutive win for the first time in the history of the EPL, remains in the schedule. Tottenham was scheduled to play against Manchester City on Tuesday, but the match was postponed as it coincided with Manchester City’s FA Cup semi-final schedule. The match between the two teams will be decided later.

Coach Enze Postecoglou, who has to work on a schedule for the second half of the season ahead of a tough schedule, vowed to focus on Tottenham and spend the last minute of the season without dwelling on it, saying, “I will pay more attention to the development of the team than to compete for fourth place.”

BY: 토토

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