
Yeonhaeju Casino & Hotel Complex Constructs Sept

A gambling area in Russia’s Primorsky Krai is building a new hotel and casino complex. The Primorsky Krai Development Corporation (KRPK) announced that the construction of the new complex will begin in September this year.

Two years later:

Asia-Invest Group LLC, a renowned construction and project management company, is overseeing the construction. In October 2021, the company announced plans to invest up to $34 million in the complex.

But while construction was somewhat delayed due to COVID-19, plans continued, and KRPK decided it was finally time to move forward and take action against its long-anticipated casinos and hotels. Another reason for the delay was that Asia Invest Group had just received the building permits it needed for construction, without which the companies could not take steps to move forward.

The completion of the first phase of construction is scheduled for August 20, 2025.

Alexander Kim, director of Asia-Invest Group, said, “We are currently negotiating with the contractor for earthworks, we are installing an engineering network on the site and developing interiors, and we are also preparing a project quotation document.”

Preparations are still underway, the main structure of the complex will take months to complete, and work on it will continue from September 2023 to March 2024. The next step is the installation of the front panel.

I don’t know much about the casino itself as I’m still working on it. Along with that, I’ll be ready to submit the 2nd stage design documents soon.

After the first stage, the hotel will be able to accept guests in 80 hotel rooms. The casino will have 30 game tables and 200 slot machines. The eight-story complex will provide jobs for about 450 people.

Two major crises in Russia:

The Russian market has suffered a lot in recent times. The first crisis was the COVID-19 pandemic, and the second was the war between Russia and Ukraine. No wonder two major projects were delayed in Vladivostok just before the Asia-Invest Group confirmed the progress of the project. The first was supposed to be overlooked by Nagakov, and the second was an ambitious expansion project led by Summit Ascent, owner of Tigre de Crystal.

This will be the third casino in the gambling sphere, located 50 kilometers from Vladivostok, Russia’s Pacific port. Other casinos include Tigre de Crystal, which already opened in 2015, and Shambala Casino Resort, which opened in 2020.

BY: 온라인카지노

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