
Japanese Investors Join Diamond Fortune Casino Plan

Russia-based Diamond Fortune Holdings Prim LLC said it had “coordinated” its casino project for the integrated entertainment zone (IEZ) in Prim, Prim, near Vladivostok, after welcoming new Japanese investors.

Japan-based Simple Create Co Ltd “became a partner” of Diamond Fortune, the latter company confirmed in a press release. The announcement was made by local authorities in the Russian Far East, which is home to the Maritime Province IEZ.

According to the document, “Simple Create will participate in the construction of Diamond Fortune’s casino resort, which is currently being developed in IEZ, Primorsky Krai.” Diamond Fortune currently plans a total investment of approximately $270 million for the project, known as “Imperial.” Previously, the project had a working title of “Selena.”

The Maritime Province IEZ is a casino development area located 50 kilometers (31 miles) from the Russian Pacific port city of Vladivostok. The area is being promoted by the Maritime Development Corporation (PDC), a public sector company under the tourism ministry of the province’s local government.

In a prepared statement included in the release regarding the casino plan, Diamond Fortune president Sergei Sidorov said: “We have coordinated and made the projects in hotels and entertainment complexes more modern in light of the growing demands of Russian and foreign tourists.”

He added: “We plan to receive about 340,000 guests a year as the Russian government offers lighter visa schemes for our closest neighbors China, [South] Korea, Japan and Hong Kong.”

Since 2017, tourists from 18 countries, including China and Japan, have been able to secure visas on arrival by applying online at least four days in advance when entering via Vladivostok airport or port.

According to data released on Diamond Fortune’s ventures, Japan’s Simple Create has a wide range of projects in its market, from real estate to trading petroleum products. According to the documents, the Japanese company already has experience investing in Russia after establishing a medical center with local partners in the Khabarovsk region of the Russian Far East.

Koyama Novukadzu, chairman of Simple Create, was also quoted in the release. The executive said the decision to invest in a casino resort in IEZ, Primorsky Krai, was due to “confidence in the success of the project.”

According to the latest announcement, the first phase of the Imperial complex includes a hotel and casino with 50 game tables and 300 slot machines.

“Construction will take about 18 months, and phase one (of the property) should be completed and ready to open by September 2020,” Thomas Gibbons, CEO of Diamond Fortune, told GGRAsia recently.

BY: 온라인카지노

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