
Ohtani Lee Jung-hoo is missing SF’s multi-hit

Kim Ha-sung started the 2024 Major League Baseball (MLB) Colorado Rockies home game at Petco Park in San Diego, California on the 14th (Korea time).

In this game, Kim had no hit and three walks in one at bat in four times at bat. He had no hit since the game against the LA Dodgers on Wednesday, but continued his on-base streak in nine consecutive games.

On the previous day (13th), Kim was hit on the left wrist by a 94.4 mile (151.9 km) fastball by Dodgers starter Walker Buehler. He was concerned about his injury, but X-rays only showed that he bruised his body, and he played the game on the day and completed the third base.

His first at-bat was only a fly ball to the second baseman, but he got a walk in all three remaining at-bats. However, he failed to make a run as the follow-up hit did not occur.

Kim Ha-sung’s season performance was 31 for 150 with five homers and eight steals, 22 points, 21 RBIs and a batting average of 0.207 on-base percentage of 0.326 with a slugging percentage of 0.360.

San Diego lost the game 4-5.

LA Dodgers’ Shohei Ohtani hit multiple hits against the San Francisco Giants without Lee Jung-hoo.

Ohtani started the 2024 MLB game against San Francisco at Oracle Park in San Francisco, California on the same day as the second hitter and designated hitter.

In this game, Ohtani recorded two hits and an RBI in five at-bats. Ohtani did not play the previous day due to back pain, but he boasted of his strength by hitting two hits in his return match.

He reported a hit from his first at bat. Ohtani adjusted his batting performance by having a hit to right field in the first inning without a runner.

The second at-bat only hit a grounder to second base, but added an RBI in the third. With two outs and a runner on third in the fifth inning, Ohtani hit a pitch to second base. Second baseman Tairo Estrada gave up throwing, and Ohtani had an RBI infield hit.

Since then, both at-bats have been struck out with swings and misses.

Ohtani’s season performance was 58 hits in 164 at-bats, 11 homers, 9 steals, 33 runs scored, 28 RBIs, 0.354 on-base percentage, 0.422 slugging percentage, 0.659.

The game was won by the Dodgers 6-4.

BY: 스포츠토토

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