
Kim Do-hoon regime misses Singapore ‘first drill’ due to ‘lightning strike warning’

The South Korean national soccer team almost missed its first practice under interim coach Kim Do-hoon. A lightning alarm went off.

The South Korean national soccer team, led by interim head coach Kim Do-hoon, held its first in-country training session at the Bishan Stadium in Bishan, Singapore, at 7:40 p.m. on Wednesday (July 3) ahead of its FIFA Confederations Cup North America 2026 Asia Second Qualifying Group C match against Singapore. 먹튀검증 It lasted about an hour.

The match between South Korea and Singapore will kick off at 9 p.m. on June 6 at The National Stadium in Singapore.

The players almost didn’t get to practice that day. A lightning strike alarm at the end of the training field triggered a red light.

Behind the goalposts at the Bishan Stadium training ground is a lightning warning device. The alarm, which is checked every 30 minutes, flashed at 7pm.

At 7pm, the official in charge of the Bishan Stadium said, “We will check it again at 7:30 and 8pm. If the signal goes off again, the Korean national soccer team will not be able to train.” “If there is a lightning warning, the team is legally prohibited from training in Singapore,” the official from the Korea Football Association added.

Fortunately, the South Korean soccer team went ahead with their training as scheduled. After 7:30, the lightning alarm no longer lit up.

The team took the field at 7:40. They warmed up individually. After 10 minutes of individual stretches, the 13 players who had already finished the season went straight to warming up on the grass. They developed their senses with the ball.

The seven players who are still in the middle of the K League season went to the recovery group for more stretching. Afterward, they got on the bike.

Despite the lightning strike just before the training session, the players were able to train well for about an hour as planned.

Meanwhile, 16 representatives, including Son Heung-min (Tottenham), arrived in Singapore late on the evening of the second day.

Lee Kang-in (Paris Saint-Germain), Ha Chang-rae (Nagoya Grampus), Park Yong-woo (Al Ain) and Cho Yoo-min (Sharjah) completed their arrival on the morning of the third day. That’s 20 of the 23 players on the final roster. Hong Hyun-seok (Gent) will arrive on the 4th. Choi Joon (FC Seoul) and Hwang Jae-won (Daegu FC), who played a K League match on the 2nd, will arrive on the evening of the 3rd.

Choi Jun, Hwang Jae-won and Hong Hyun-seok were unable to participate in the first training session on the 3rd. The Korean national soccer team will have a “full” second training session on the 4th.

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