
61-year-old table tennis grandmother advanced to the round of 32

Luxembourg’s Nishiarian, the so-called “table tennis grandmother,” advanced to the round of 32 in the women’s singles 64 round of table tennis at the 2024 Paris Olympics, beating Turkiye Altinkaya Siebel with a set score of 4-2 (10-12, 3-11, 7-11, 11-9, 12-10, 6-11).

Nishiarian made headlines in Korea three years ago when she played against Shin at the Tokyo Olympics. Born in 1963, Lee is 61 years old this year. She is 41 years older than Shin, who was born in 2004.

After losing to Shin at the Tokyo Olympics, Nishiarian said, “Today’s me is younger than tomorrow. Keep challenging yourself,” leaving a big resonance for the Korean people.

Shin will clash with Australia’s Melissa Tepper at 6 p.m. on the day to advance to the round of 32. Attention is focusing on whether Shin and Nishiarian will play again.

Meanwhile, Shin also advanced to the semifinals along with Lim Jong-hoon in mixed doubles. Attention is focusing on whether he will be able to win Korea a medal in table tennis for the first time in 12 years. China will play against him in the semifinals.

BY: 토토사이트 모음

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