
A higher-quality team than England and France

San Marino, who played an A-match friendly match in March 2024 at the Stadio Olimpico Decera Ballet in San Marino on the 25th (Korea time), drew 0-0 with the St. Kitts Nevis.

San Marino is at the bottom of the FIFA rankings. With a population of only about 33,000, there are fewer soccer players than most other teams in Korea. It is relatively recent to join the FIFA in 1990, and before this year’s event, it had recorded the worst record of 207 matches with one win, nine draws and 197 losses. As a result, it ranks 210th in FIFA rankings, which is lower than the British Virgin Islands, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam (U.S. territory), the Turks and Caicos Islands, and the Angula (British territory), which are hardly considered independent countries.

That is the source of San Marino’s positive attitude. The San Marino Football Association is famous for posting wild social media posts even with a single score. Since San Marino scored three consecutive games for the first time in the 33-year history of A-match in November last year, the association has shown madness by scoring 216 O’s in goal (GOL).

The same was true again this time. Team San Marino secured a 0-0 draw against St. Kitts and Nevis, a powerhouse ranked 147th in the FIFA rankings. It is the first time in a year and four months since the 1-1 draw with St. Lucia in November 2022.

The San Marino Football Association shared on its SNS a photo of a computer monitor that was not even captured but not registered as an official Windows monitor, and said, “It was a game worth popping champagne. I wanted to win, but the result doesn’t matter. We have made history.” A game worth popping champagne is Italian for inspiring life.

The San Marino Football Association continued to make silly comments. “England recently failed to even draw in an A-match hosted by FIFA. So did France. San Marino had a draw. What this data says is clear. San Marino has a higher level (than England and France),” he said, self-evaluating that he had a better A-match in March than a European powerhouse.

San Marino ended up with a scoreless draw, but failed to score in five consecutive matches. San Marino, who left a historic mark with his 10th draw, will set another record against Cyprus in June.

BY: 안전놀이터

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