
Light & Wonder CFO Connie James is making a fresh start to the pasture

Light & Wonder said the versatile Connie James, EVP, CFO, Finance and Corporate Secretary, is stepping down from her role and leaving the company as of August 25. The reason why James left was because he wanted to try a new job role outside of the game industry.

Commenting on her departure, James said: “Working with such a talented team has been the highlight of my career and I’m very proud of what we’ve achieved together. We have created a stronger and more flexible Light & Wonder by expanding our business, advancing our capital allocation strategy, and driving significant efficiency.”

After she leaves, James is temporarily replaced by Oliver Chow, the current corporate finance SVP at Light & Wonder, with time to appoint a new CFO.

In the process of finding a new CFO, Light & Wonder was helped by a ‘leading’ company to support the process.

Chow joined Light & Wonder in October 2022, and Matt Wilson, CEO of Light & Wonder, said of his temporary job: “With more than 15 years of entertainment and game leadership experience and deep financial expertise, Oliver is confident the board is well positioned to support continued execution of financial priorities while conducting searches.”

In addition, Wilson added about James’ departure. “Connie has played a key role in advancing Light & Wonder’s cultural and financial transformation, which has led to operational excellence, double-digit growth and enhanced balance sheets.

“She also helped build a deep and talented finance team within the company that could seamlessly transition to the next chapter of financial leadership. On behalf of the board and the management, I hope that she will strive forward.”

BY: 실시간 바카라사이트

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