
Man Utd laugh as Ten Haag moves closer to signing promised ‘£42m star’

The verdict is in. Matthias De Ligt (Bayern Munich) is closing in on a move to Manchester United.

On July 7, the British Press Express reported, “Manchester United manager Eric ten Haag’s transfer talks with Bayern Munich have been revealed. United keep faith with De Ligt,” the Express reported.

United finished eighth in the English Premier League (EPL) in the 2023-2024 season with 18 wins, 6 draws and 14 losses (60 points). They were eliminated early from the Carabao Cup and the European Champions League (UCL). However, they did manage to stroke their pride by beating ‘local rivals’ Man City in the English Football Association (FA) Cup final. After winning the FA Cup, United also confirmed the appointment of Van Gaal.

Ten Haag is looking to bolster his squad for a turnaround in the new season. One player he has his eye on is De Ligt.

Born in 1999, De Ligt is the Netherlands’ leading defensive talent. He captured the attention of the world when he led Ajax (Netherlands) to a renaissance. In the 2018-2019 European Champions League (UCL) quarterfinals, he led the way in 무료성인웹툰 defeating Juventus (Italy), a team that Cristiano Ronaldo was leading at the time. He moved to Juventus in the summer 2019 transfer window, and then again to Bayern Munich in the summer of 2022. De Ligt was also a key player for Bayern Munich. However, the mood changed in the 2023-2024 season. He made 22 Bundesliga appearances amidst a feud with head coach Thomas Tuchel. He is expected to leave Bayern Munich this summer in the transfer market.

The Express reports that ‘United have held talks with Ten Haag. They appear to be growing increasingly confident of signing De Ligt this summer. ‘Ten Haag has tempted De Ligt with the promise of playing him at center-back,’ the outlet said, citing another Mirror report.

‘Bayern Munich want £42 million for De Ligt,’ the Express reported. Bayern Munich spent £57 million to sign De Ligt from Juventus. He still has three years left on his contract.

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