
The Hanwha Eagles have had a bad start to the second half

The Hanwha Eagles have had a bad start to the second half.

On July 7, Hanwha removed infielder Roh Si-hwan from the first team roster.

Noh, who participated in the All-Star Game as a manager’s pick, took part in the home run race on the fifth. However, on the sixth, he complained of shoulder pain and was unable to participate in the All-Star Game for a medical checkup. He was eventually removed from the roster on the seventh. He is scheduled to undergo another checkup at the hospital on Aug. 8.

It’s a blow to Hanwha, which was hoping for a big second-half rebound. In 82 games this season, Noh is batting .805 with 18 home runs, 60 RBIs, and an OPS of .805.

After struggling with his bat early in the season, he has shown signs of life since the end of June. In particular, he hit a monstrous 145-meter home run against Doosan on June 26 and a huge 130-meter home run against Doosan on June 27.

With the two home runs, Noh showed that he has relieved his troubles. “I had a bad feeling at the start of the season, but I cleared my mind at the plate. I was thinking a lot. When I kept not getting results, I checked the ball and hit it, and my timing was late as the hitting point got further and further back. It was a vicious cycle,” he said. 바카라 필승법 “I went into the batting cage with only one thought in mind, to hit it as far forward as possible, and it worked out well. I think I’m getting better and better.”

Noh continued to get a hit in every game after that, albeit without a home run.

He had a seven-game hitting streak. But this time, something was wrong with his body. Even in the home run race, he only managed one home run.

Hanwha is even more worried because Noh has always been a solid player.

He was hit in the knee by a foul ball in the first inning of a game against Jamsil Doosan last month. “My knee was not in good condition. But I didn’t want to get pulled out in the middle of the game. I wanted to show that I’m still young and strong,” he said, adding, “I want to play the most defensive innings, and I also want to show that I’m physically fit, and I don’t want to leave the game because it would have a bad effect on the team’s atmosphere.” He also showed a sense of responsibility, saying, “I want to play the most defensive innings. Hanwha manager Kim Kyung-moon expressed his confidence in Noh, saying, “Hanwha’s No. 4 hitter is Roh Si-hwan.”

Hanwha, which has been under Kim’s management since early June, started with a coaching staff reorganization. Chung Kyung-bae, the head coach, and Park Seung-min, the pitching coach, were removed from the roster on July 7. Two new coaches will join the team. They are related to head coach Kim Kyung-moon.

Yang Seung-kwan will be the head coach and Yang Sang-moon will be the pitching coach.

Kim said, “When I first took over as head coach, I decided there was no need to shake up the coaching staff. Both coaches have done a great job. But as a manager, sometimes you have to make decisions for the team,” Kim said. “We have a lot of young pitchers, and I think Yang Sang-moon’s addition to the pitching staff will be helpful.”

Since Kim’s arrival, Hanwha has gone 11-1-1 with a +1 win-loss margin. Hanwha finished the first half with 36 wins, 2 draws, and 44 losses. They still need to add +8 to reach their target of 5%. The team tried to turn things around with a coaching change, but the second half of the season began with the loss of the No. 4 hitter.

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