
Japan casino bill less likely to pass by November

The possibility of Japan passing legislation to legalize casino resort principles by the end of this parliamentary session on Nov. 30 has “declined,” Union Gaming Research Macao Ltd. said in a note published on Monday.

This may make it difficult for Japan to meet the current government’s policy goal of building one or more casino resorts in time for the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics.

It follows reports from Japan that a senior member of the Komeito, a minority party backed by a Buddhist movement that fears casinos will harm Japanese society, is skeptical of the possibility of legislation this session.

“Both the House and the Senate have significantly higher hurdles to enacting this legislation,” Keiichi Ishii, Komeito’s policy director, said on Monday, according to Reuters.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party does not have a majority in the country’s upper house and needs the support of the Komeito to pass the bill.

Those in doubt already appear to have received a commitment from the government to include safeguards for local players that will be inserted somewhere in the 20-bill process. The nature and extent of these safeguards is not yet clear.

Several other media outlets reported on Monday that Abe had lost two female cabinet members in a political scandal.

Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yuko Obuchi, who is expected to become Japan’s first female prime minister, stepped down after being accused of misusing campaign funds.

Midori Matsushima, who held a portfolio of justice, resigned hours after being accused of violating election laws.

Abe vowed to replace the two ministers within 24 hours, but Union Games analysts Grant Gobsen and Felicity Chiang said in a note: “We believe this disruption could make it more difficult for Abe to push his agenda efficiently, including the push to legalize the game.”

The institute added: “Also, a Kyodo News telephone poll conducted over the weekend showed that less than half (48%) of Japanese supported Abe’s cabinet, with a total of 40% against it.” 바카라사이트

Reuters reported that a national survey by Mainichi newspaper over the weekend showed 62% of the public opposed a bill known as the Unified Resorts Bill, with only 31% in favor.

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