
Na Sung-bum’s first-team cancellation KIA has already started preparing for KS

KIA, led by head coach Lee Bum-ho, was scheduled to hold its 16th game against the NC Dinos in the 2024 Shinhan SOL Bank KBO League at Gwangju-KIA Champions Field on Monday, but the game was canceled due to rainy weather. The game will be reorganized into two days on Tuesday.

Ahead of the match, Kia removed the entries of Eric Stoute and Na Sung-bum, and registered its starting pitcher Yoon Young-chul and infielder Yoon Do-hyun. “I’m going to leave out other senior players one by one,” coach Lee Bum-ho said of Na Sung-bum. “Since we have about a month left (to play in the Korean Series), I think the sensory issues will be the same even if we play all five or six games.”

“I’m going to minimize those areas because I might get hurt again. I think it would be better to make sure that I don’t get injured,” Lee said. “As a result of the players’ good performance, we will decide the first place quickly and young players will have a chance to participate, so we will cancel one or two players each.”

If the game started normally on the day, KIA was scheduled to face NC in the order of Kim Do-young (designated hitter), Lee Chang-jin (left fielder), Park Chan-ho (striker), Lee Woo-sung (right fielder), Yoon Do-hyun (third baseman), Byun Woo-hyuk (first baseman), Seo Geon-chang (second baseman), Han Jun-su (fourth baseman) and Choi Won-jun (midfielder). Yoon Do-hyun, who was registered as the first team player on the day, also immediately entered the starting lineup.

Yoon had a side injury at the end of the second spring camp before the season and focused on physical care, and later tried to boost his sense of play through Futures League games, but suffered the injury while sliding during the game. Upon examination, he was diagnosed with a fracture of the metacarpal bone in his left hand. 토토사이트 모음

Coach Lee Bum-ho said, “After getting injured, when I said I would prepare and post it because I was okay, it was bad again, and because of this, it was delayed,” adding, “As time has been delayed, I hope we can prepare for this season without injury, finish this season without injury, and make it an injury-free season next season by the closing camp and next year’s spring camp. I think I have enough talent, but I hope there will be a chance to take good care of my body and become a big player both personally and as a team.”

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