
The Casino Moguls Cashing In on Trump’s Campaign

Wynn hotel and casino

We’ve all heard the phrase, “It takes a village to raise a child.” But with the upcoming election looming large and still no clear winner in sight (even less so after the woeful first Presidential debate), it begs the question: how much cash does it take to win a Presidency?

It’s no secret that before he was the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump was heavily involved in the US casino scene. Snapping up multiple properties throughout the 1980s, Trump had his name in lights no less than three times on the Atlantic City boardwalk.

Though he managed to bankrupt each of his New Jersey properties, his legacy lives on as one of America’s gambling linchpins. As such, it’s hardly surprising that many of the casino kings he once rubbed shoulders with are opening up their wallets and funding his campaign.

Desperate to close the gap between Biden’s campaign cash flow and his own, Trump has been ingratiating himself with the Vegas elite. From the original legends of the Strip to their families, partners, and stakeholders, here are the casino moguls cashing in on Trump’s third Presidential bid.

Donald Trump and Steve Wynn engaged in a tumultuous legal battle over Atlantic City’s gambling landscape that lasted throughout the 1990s. But after years of lawsuits, employee poaching, and public slander, their relationship eventually transformed from rivalry to respect.

Mirroring the age-old ‘enemies-to-lovers’ trope, Donald Trump and Steve Wynn somehow transformed their mutual hatred into a politically charged 온라인카지노사이트 friendship. After all, the pair share many similarities: both are casino moguls, share the republican ideology, have faced numerous sexual assault allegations – the list goes on.

The outcome of Steve Wynn’s allegations? A $10 million fine, loss of ownership of his casino empire, and exclusion from participating in any casino-related role other than a customer.

However, it seems Wynn isn’t sitting around licking his wounds. Instead, the former finance chair of the Republican National Committee has rekindled his political associations.

In April 2024, Wynn pledged over $800,000 to a Trump 47 campaign fundraiser, which he helped organize and co-hosted. He also received a shoutout from Trump after an uncontested victory in New Hampshire in January. In June 2024, Wynn was finally victorious in his years-long foreign lobbying case against the Department of Justice.

While his historical feud with Trump played out on the New Jersey shore, Steve Wynn was one of the most influential figures on the Vegas Strip. During his 50-year career, Wynn became the majority shareholder of the Golden Nugget Casino (the youngest casino owner in Vegas), opened a string of legendary properties (including the Mirage, the Bellagio, and Treasure Island), launched his eponymous Wynn Resorts Hotel & Casino chain, started the online gambling site, Wynnbet and expanded into Macau.

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