
Incheon Airport ‘Abuzz’ at Lee Jung-hoo’s Departure

Incheon Airport ‘Abuzz’ at Lee Jung-hoo’s Departure… An Endless Line of Signs

Incheon International Airport was crowded when Lee Jeong-hoo (25) returned after signing a large contract with the San Francisco Giants of the U.S. Major League Baseball (MLB) last month.

Fans who knew in advance about Lee Jung-hoo’s return to the airport and waited for him,

as well as citizens who came to see the people gathered, cheered and applauded. 카지노사이트킹


On the 1st, more than a month later, a large crowd gathered as Lee Jung-hoo left the country to begin his full-scale challenge to the MLB stage.

Rico Sports, Lee Jeong-hoo’s domestic agent, held a press conference in the far corner of the departure hall of Incheon International Airport Terminal 2 to avoid disturbing passengers visiting the airport,

but baseball fans began to gather one by one to see off Lee Jeong-hoo.

Kim Hee-jin, who visited the airport holding a Kiwoom Heroes uniform with ‘Lee Jung-hoo No. 51’ engraved on it, said,

“I came out with a friend because I thought it would be difficult to see him in person for a while when I leave for the United States.”

While Lee Jeong-hoo’s press conference was in progress, a line naturally formed to get his autograph.

Lee Jung-hoo

At first, there were about 10 people in line, and after about 10 minutes, there were already close to 100 people.

After Lee Jung-hoo finished her press conference, instead of heading straight to her departure hall,

she headed to where her fans were waiting.

And a surprise autograph session was held for Korean fans in Korea, which ‘will be the last for a while’.

Even though Lee Jeong-hoo kept signing autographs, the line showed no signs of shrinking.

This is because new fans continued to gather.

Lee Jung-hoo, who would have signed autographs for all the fans who visited the airport if he had had time to board the plane,

had no choice but to ask for understanding and leave.

An official from Ricoh Sports said, “Lee Jeong-hoo kept signing autographs for over 10 minutes,

and after signing autographs for about 70% of the fans in line, he entered the departure hall.”

Lee Jeong-hoo, who leaves the country on this day,

will immediately go to Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, where the San Francisco spring camp is held, and begin full-scale training.

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